Steve x reader pt.3

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Steve awoke from recharge feeling like absolute trash his everything hurts, the last thing he remembered was you using him to test your mods. He slowly rolled over to see that he was all alone.

Steve sat up to get off the berth then he purged everything out of his tanks and onto the floor. He still felt like trash, he better go see Knockout. It was a slow, painful walk to the medbay.

Steve stopped halfway to the medbay to purge his tanks again, he leaned against the wall for support. He was so close and yet he was so far away, he needed help. Steve had a few options, power through the pain or comm for you.

Both options were horrible. But he needed to make up his mind and do it quickly. His choice was to power through the pain, and what a terrible choice it was, every step was a sharp pain. 

He couldn't take it anymore, Steve collapse right outside the medbay doors. Where Knockout and Breakdown found Steve unconscious outside the medbay. They moved Steve to an empty berth and commed you, to give you the bad news that Steve was in the bay.

When Steve finally came back online, he was greeted by the sounds of your voice and the bright lights of the medbay. "So you're saying that he's carrying." You said with a tone that Steve knew all too well.

You looked over at Steve to see that he had finally awoken. "Well look who's awake." You said grabbing Steve's chin making him look at you. "Good news, Steve you're carrying. You say with a happy tone. 

This tone made Steve anxious, he felt like he was going to purge again. But he managed to keep it down "Knockout please tell me that there is some way to get rid of the sparkling." You said with your usual annoyed tone.

Knockout looked over to Steve, he knew that you abused Steve. But he really couldn't do anything to help stop it, because no one cares about what happens to a drone.

"Unfortunately there is no way to remove the sparkling from Steve." Knockout said with a frown. "But after Steve has the sparkling, we can find a way to 'get rid' of the sparkling." Knockout said with a smile.

You growled quietly as now you had to wait for Steve to have his sparkling. “Thank you knockout.” you say with an angry tone grabbing Steve's upper arm. He felt the tips of your sharp digits peirce into his soft protoform.

Steve was shaking as you shoved him into your shared berthroom. He fell to his knees grabbing onto your armor "Please! I'm sorry!" Steve yelled into your midsection. "Oh my dear, Steve, I will not hurt you." You said quietly as you patted his head. Steve looked up at you with lubricant in his eyes, he was shaking still. You lifted up Steve gently 

"Oh Steve, as long as you carry my seed." You say gently rubbing Steve's cheek. "I might as well keep my seed well watered." You said flipping Steve over, pushing his face plates onto the berth. Steve gasped as you pushed your hot panel against his aft, he's completely powerless against you he just gave up. As you shoved your hardened spike into his unready valve.

"I bet this is hell for you Steve." You growled as you trusted into his valve. "But you know that my heaven is your hell." You purred into his audio receptors. Steve moaned out a curse as he overloaded onto your spike. "Hold on Steve, we're not done." You laughed out loud.

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