Wheeljack x reader

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You were bored out of your mind. But of course, you couldn't help it after all, you were the Nemesis's lead engineer and repair bot. To say that you were good at your job was an understatement.

Your engineering skills could be compared to Shockwave's exceptional skills, which made you valuable to both Autobots and Decepticons.

This means that the Autobots would try to capture you anytime you left the Nemesis to do any mining operations. It was one of those days, the Autobots had caught you once again.

You just sat on the floor waiting until you were called by Ratchet, then Bulkhead would drag you over so you could explain how to fix something. You sat on the floor between Bulkhead and Wheeljack, waiting for Ratchet to call you.

You couldn't do anything but play with a piece of wire that you found on the floor. You were so happy to see that piece of wire you almost cried.

You got to play with the wire for about two minutes before Wheeljack took it from you. You just looked at your servos before falling onto your back with an annoyed look on your face.

"Get up con." Wheeljack said as you fell back "Why? I can't do anything." You said lifting your servo. "Can't do much with cuffed servos." You said looking at Wheeljack with a grin.

With that, you had pushed Wheeljack over the edge with his composure. It all happened faster than anyone expected. Wheeljack had kicked the side of your helm so hard, that the force completely shattered your left optic.

You rolled over clutching your now bleeding optic. "The frag is wrong with you!?" You shouted in pain. "Wheeljack was that necessary!?" Ratchet shouted as he lifted you.

You planted your foot square into Ratchet's chest plates pulling out of his grip, you managed to back up into a corner. You looked around frantically, it was useless.

You couldn't see out of your right optic, you couldn't help but be blind and panic. You just wanted to go back to the nemesis.

"(Y/n) calm down and let me fix your optic." You heard Ratchet spoke calmly. "You must be fragged in the helm! I ain't letting you anyway near me!" You shouted. You just wanted to go home, but now you were stuck in the Autobot base blind.

With no way to contact home. You hated the Autobots more than ever. Not only were you stuck in the Autobot's base with 3 Autobots but there were more soon arriving.

You may not be able to see but you could still hear. Listening closely you heard the heavy steps of bulkhead and Wheeljack. You pressed yourself against the wall wanting to somehow merge with it.

But you knew that this was the end of the line for you. Your system did the only thing it could, it shut itself down as a form of safety. The last thing you felt was bulkhead grabbing you with a firm grip and Wheeljack also grabbed you with a not-so-nice grip.

You couldn't do anything as they dragged you into what you assumed only was the medbay. They roughly set you on the berth with some restraints holding you in place. Panting as you came down from your panicked shutdown.

Ratchet touched the side of your helm, causing you to jerk away from him in a panic. “Just stay calm and stay still.” Ratchet said gripping your shoulder plates as he tried to calm you down, you calmed down as felt Ratchet work on your optic.

Feeling Ratchet’s gentle servos work as a welcome relief from the recent rough-up by Wheeljack. Your vision started to fizzle back in when you felt Rachet’s gentle touch leave.

When your vision returned in full, you looked around only to see that you were alone with Rachet. “There you should be fine now.” Ratchet said helping you off the table, you wobbled a little as you regained function from your panicked power down.

Leading you out of the medbay Rachet walked you back into the main room of the Autobot base, where you saw Wheeljack being lechered by Ulta Magnus and Optimus prime.

You paid no mind to them as you looked down at the floor, leaning on the wall far from everyone but still close to Rachet where you didn't have to move if he needed your engineering skills.

Your random thoughts were interrupted by the sound of tiers and an engine screeching as Wheeljack ripped out of the base. Hours had passed and you counted to explain the process of rewiring something you could care less about.

After all your explanations Ratchet still had a hard time fixing the problem, he finally got frustrated and gave up for the time being.

Returning to the holding dark cell you sat on the floor staring at the wall waiting for recharge to claim you. As recharge was finally taking hold, the cell door was ripped open causing you to jolt awake.

You shielded your optics from the sudden flood of light as you looked at the outline of the bot that ripped the door open.

“What do you want?” you growled out as your optics adjusted to the light. The bot walked closer you finally saw that it was Wheeljack with an unreadable look on his faceplates.

“Oh, it's you… have you come to smash my optic again?” you asked as looked down at the floor. “Well whatever your gonna do, make it fast so I can get something that resembles recharge.” you spoke quietly as you continued to look at the floor, as Wheeljack stepped in front of you.

Wheeljack grabbed the lip of your chest plate and pulled you off the floor. You grunted as Wheeljack lifted you, he lifted his servo to punch you.

“Why do you hate me so?” you whimpered as you waited for the pain to come. You waited but the pain never came, slowly you onlined your optics to look at Wheeljack.

“I don't hate you.” he said as his servos shook. “I'm madly in love with you.” he said as his servo fell to his side.

“I'm confused and angry with myself, for being in love with a con.” he said his voice low and full of shame.

You just looked at him confused as he confessed his feelings for you, Wheeljack pulled you in and kissed you with passion. That simple kiss quickly turned into Wheeljack graining against you as grabbed onto his hips.

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