Death's cry

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The sun was dawning over the horizon as death's eeire howl carried across the baron wasteland of cybertron. This howl carried a message to all who heard it 'you may run, you may hide but to hear my cry, your life will soon end this day.'

Megatron never really believed it at first, but he heard the howl of death in the early hours of day light. "Soundwave did you hear that?" Megatron asked in a low tone. "Hear what my lord?" Soundwave said in a quiet distorted voice.

"Nothing.." Megatron said as his optics stayed on the horizon as he turned back to his warship. Megatron played it off as his mind playing tricks on him. But little did he know another heard death's cry. Optimus.

As Optimus look upon the horizon of cybertron he has left to his own mind. He was quickly pulled out of his own mind as he heard a howl. He knew that death was real and he knew it was his time to go. Looking upon the horizon he walked off to meet death.

Soon Megatron and Optimus were in a stalemate at the base of an old building. Only stopping after hearing a howl they looked up to see a large wolf like monster that let out a cry of death. The monster jumped off the high building and landing in front of the two mechs.

Megatron and Optimus fell to their knees as you came closer. You sat in front of them looking at Megatron your red eyes looked right through him, you turned your head to Optimus he looked down to avoid your eyes that he felt ripped holes into his spark.

"Optimus..." your voice echoed in his head. "What do you fear most?" You questioned leting your voice echoing in his head before fading into nothingness. "I fear not being able to protect those who who need it"

You looked at Megatron quietly "Megatron..." your voice didn't echo. "What do you fear most?" You asked your voice continuing not to echo as you spoke. "I fear nothing" Megatron said as he tried to stand up.

"Everyone fears something even death has a fear." You say as your voice started to echo again. "So Megatron what do you fear? Is it going back to being the nameless miner who worked to an inch of his life? Or is it that you fear failure?" You questioned leting the echo carrie through his spark.

"Follow me..." you say as you voice echoed in the two mechs heads. You walked towards the old building and stopped. Megatron and Optimus followed after you to the building "Optimus this is not your time" you say with an echo that shook the air around him with that he woke up on the ground where he had first fell to his knees.

Optimus looked over to the lifeless body of Megatron. "It was real" Optimus said as he stood up holding his side limping back to the Autobot base thankful that his life was spared.

Not really a oneshot or anything just something I wrote because I'm bored

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