the mother the ship(Decepticons x reader)

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(Just something fun and cute)

You we're the queen of the Nemesis, Megatron's sparkmate he loved you and you love him. You couldn't get sparked no matter how hard you and megsy try. No one knew why no matter how many times you went to knockout or shockwave neither of them kenw what was wrong with you. Of course Megatron wouldn't let shockwave or knockout run any test on you.

No matter what you said, and naturally you had to agree with him. But not being able to have sparklings had its perks, everyone on the Nemesis was your family. Megatron was of course your lover, soundwave was your brother, starscream was your annoying younger brother, knockout and brakedown we're both your doctors and gossip friends, shockwave was your smart anti-social brother, and the Vehicons are your children of course the Vehicons call you "carrier". With that megatron had to just except that as fact. Everyday you had a Vehicon hugging your waist and their face in your tanks, whimpering, sobbing, or just plan scared half to death.

One day you we're sitting on megatrons thrown with a Vehicon crying into your tanks and you scolding another one for something stupid "what were you thinking pushing him into starscreams room and lock him in there" you scolded him but you never yell at your children. The Vehicon crying was covered in scratches non of the scratches weren't deep enough to cause enegon to leek of course you would have starscream's helm if that was the case. "Now we're going to find starscream and your gonna apologize." "Yes carrier" the Vehicon said as he looked down in shame. You stood up with the crying Vehicon still in your arms. making the Vehicon go find starscream an apologize, while you took the crying Vehicon to the end-bay to get him fixed up. When knockout was fixing your child you took him to get some enegon kissing his fore-helm as he hug you. "Thank you carrier"

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