Their Baby Girl Has a Baby Girl

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Harry: 35
Camryn: 35
Darcy: 18
Lennon: 16
Auggie: 15
Bowie: 13
Calum: 11
Bindi: 9

September 8 2029

She started getting fed up when she was 5 days overdue. Surely this baby should've started trying to make her way here by now.

She wasn't expecting to go over her due date at all. The only time Camryn had ever gone over her due date was with Lennon and that was only 3 days. And of course, Darcy came 3 weeks early from her due date, so she had prepared herself to go into labor starting at 37 weeks.

But, here was are. 40 weeks and 5 days pregnant and still having no signs of labor.

She had talked with her midwife when she was 40 weeks and 2 days pregnant and asked if she could sweep her membranes and stretch her cervix herself. She knew how to do it, she was a midwife in training after all.

Her midwife suggested she wait until she was 5 days overdue to let the baby try and come on its own with no intervention.

So, she did. And she did everything in her power to try and get the baby to come out. She waddled around the house constantly, did lunges up the stairs (with Bindi by her side because she thought it was so fun to see how many stairs she could lunge up at one time), bounced on the birthing ball during their family movie, and still nothing was happening.

So, that night she told her midwife all of the ways she'd tried to induce labor and asked once again if she could sweep and stretch her own cervix. The midwife said it was fine to do, so she eagerly ran (well, waddled) down the stairs to tell the good news to Camryn and Harry who were cuddling on the couch long after the kids had retired to their bedrooms to go to sleep.

"Mum!"Darcy excitedly exclaimed, a bit winded from making her way down the stairs. "Mum, Amanda said I can sweep my membranes and stretch my cervix!"

"Oh really?"Camryn gasped, sitting up and looking at Darcy, "really?"

"Yeah, I'm gonna go do it right now,"Darcy bubbled, holding her bump in her hands. "Will you come with me? I'd feel better if you were there."

"Of course,"Camryn eagerly nodded, kissing Harry quickly before jumping off of the couch and following Darcy upstairs and into her bedroom.

"So you've done this before, right?"Camryn checked as she sat on Darcy's bed and watched Darcy pull out a pair of gloved and then somewhat awkwardly climb onto the bed because of her big bump.

"Yeah,"Darcy nodded, laying down flat on the bed and beginning to shimmy down her maternity leggings that she was wearing. "Plenty of times."

"Okay,"Camryn nodded, trusting her daughter and all that she had learned from her midwifery classes that she had taken. She'd taken a few here and there after school from the age of 13 on and then actually enrolled in University to study midwifery after she got her GCSE, so she has loads of experience.

Camryn watched carefully, and a bit nervously, as Darcy rolled down her panties and carefully felt around a bit before inserting her fingers into her vagina.

"'Kay, I'm dilated to about a 1 1/2,"she muttered, a bit tightly from the pressure of her fingers. "Think I could stretch myself to a 2, maybe even a 2 1/2 if I want to get really uncomfortable. I'll do that after the sweep." She looked up at Camryn who nodded with a comforting smile.

Then, it came time for the membrane sweep. Sure, she'd done plenty of them on both test dummies and actual patients, but she'd never experienced one herself and it was...uncomfortable to say the least.

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