9. the D palace

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3rd person's pov :

Beam rolls in his new bed . He can't sleep . He has suddenly realised that Forth has told him only about five palaces . And he doesn't know anything about the sixth palace . The D-palace .

He stands up . It looks like midnight . Is anybody awake now ? Makani ? P'Salina ? He walks out of his room .

He stands in front of Makani's room . There is no sound inside ...Should he enter ?

No ...

He walks away . He stands in front of a another identical room . He frowns seeing the guards sleeping . 'They are responsible for King's security , how can they sleep .'

Beam walks past the guards and slowly enters the room . He looks at the white curtain which is covering the entire square bed but the curtain is placed far from the bed , unique .

He walks inside the curtain . He looks at Forth who sleeping peacefully . He sighs .

'Why I can't I sleep ?' Beam was about to leave when he feels a grab on his wrist .

Beam turns around . Forth is looking at him with his wide open eyes .

"I thought you were sleeping ." Beam frowns .

"I have never slept since my 14 . A king never sleeps ." Forth sits a little and leans on the headboard .

Beam walks and sits on Forth's bed . "Why don't your palace rooms have doors ?"

"I don't know .. everything was like this since my birth . We have guards ." Forth replies .

"Huh , your guards are sleeping . See , I walk into your room easily ." Beam rolls his eyes .

Forth chuckles "But I caught you . I know each and everything that happens in this palace ."

"Big talks .. tell me then , what my sister is doing now ?" Beam asks .

"Ummm " Forth thinks for sometimes then "She is serving her husband ." He answers firmly .

"That's not a perticular answer . A wife always serves her husband ." Beam mocks .

"Perticular ? Ok , they are having sex ." Forth grins .

Beam gasps "Shut up . You are pervert ."

Forth laughes .

"Seriously ? How will they do it without a door ?" Beam whines .

"They have guards too ."

"Don't talk about your guards . Your guards work so good that today your brother in law and Headwife almost saw you naked ." Beam protests .

(A/n : the bath scene )

Forth laughes again "by the way , I slept today for twenty minutes when you shampooed my hair ."

Beam frowns "I was talking about door ."

Forth slowly drags his head on Beam's lap "you want a door in your room ?"

Beam shakes his head "in every room . How do you change your clothes ?"

"Openly , I have a good physics . I am not affraid to show my body ." Forth grins .

Beam stroks Forth's hair unconciously "then why even bother to wear clothes ? Roam naked .." .

Forth closes his eyes "then how did you change from all yellow to red ?"

"I had to find a secret place before changing my clothes ." Beam says .

"You have a secret place inside the palace ?" Forth asks with closed eyes .

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