King's gift

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3rd person's pov :

" Forth , stop stressing yourself ." Beam calls Forth from the bed .

Forth growls "I can't . I can't stand myself at peace untill I ripp their head from their body .

Beam frowns "You don't have any proof that they did it and you can't just .... "

"Stop sidding with them .." Forth hisses while glaring at Beam .

Beam sighs "ok ! Let's talk about this tomorrow . Come here .. sleep ."

"Noo !" Forth growls again .

"Ok ! Then I am leaving !" Beam was about to stand up from the bed when Forth slowly climbs on bed ."fine .. I will sleep ."

Beam smiles "come ! You have dark circles . "

Forth slowly places his heads on Beam's lap . Beam starts to rake on Forth's hair.

"Forth !!"

"Hmm ?" Forth asks with closed eyes .

" Tomorrow .... will you act logically ? Will you judge , without any of your prejudice ? "

Forth stays silent . Beam looks down in his lap . He sighs . He knows Forth is awake . "I am not being sympathatic with them , Forth . I just ... want you to be fair . If they did it , if they really tried to kill Salin , then .... "

"I am sleepy Beam ." Forth cuts Beam's words .

Beam sighs again . He knows , it's his clue to shut up . "Hmmmmm .. but ...."

Forth pulls Beam suddenly to lie beside him . Beam looks at Forth in shock .

"I will threat them a little to spill the truth . Otherwise , I don't have any proof or any other way . Is that ok ?" Forth asks softly .

Beam smiles thinly "hmmm .."

Forth pulls Beam in his arms "if I ask you now , that what you want for saving Salin's life , will you ask me to forgive them ?"

Beam breaths calmly in Forth's chest . He closes his eyes "no , I will not . "

Forth smiles hearing Beam's soft whisper . "Then ,Should I ask , what you want ? Though I can't clear this debt with my life , yet can I ask ?"

Beam tilts his head from Forth's chest to look at Forth "you don't keep your promise ."

"Then I will not promise you . I will just do it ... whatever you want ." Forth replies softly .

Beam stays silent for sometimes ..

"What you want Beam ?" Forth asks .


Forth enters the big hall with P'Salina , and Beam next morning as soon as Adka informed him that King of Makhunda and his daughter is here .

Forth looks at Mina with gritted teeth "again Makhunda to Portuli in one night . How fasinating ?" He hisses .

"Why ...why you summoned us here King ? Anything wrong ?" King of Makhunda asks in fear .

"Ask your daughter . She can answer it better . Isn't it Princess Mina ?" Forth growls .

Mina looks at Forth sternly "I warned you I will finish Jaturs . Then what made you think I will leave the crown prince ? You are a fool ."

"Mina ! Salin is just a kid . How can you ?" Beam shouts in disbelieve . "I thought Forth's guess was wrong . I thought that , you can't poision an innocent kid ,no matter what ..!"

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