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Ron's PoV

My weekend was more cool off than usual. I no longer had Maria visiting my dreams instead it was replaced with a black and blue watery imagery accompanied by a high pitch scream. 

I rose from my bed, moved my hand across my outfit. I turned to notice Omar approaching me.

"Hey Ron," he softly called, "I'm gonna take Nicholas's body to his family," we paused and set our eyes on the lifeless body of our best friend, "His parents needs to know what happened.

"Of course," I responded, "Take good care of him."

He nodded, he slowly waved his hand and the body of Nicholas began to levitate, along with the blanket that covered him, the piece of fabric wrapped around to cover him, "You don't mind right?" he asked.

"Maintenance comes once a month, so they'll probably handle the missing blanket thing," I responded, "By the way, how would you get there?"

"I was thinking of trying to levitate my way there," he responded.

I chuckled, "You'll get tired," I remarked,  reached out to my screen cracked iPhone, it probably got damaged from the explosion or somewhere else that it got destroyed front and back but thankfully it was still functional, I searched my contacts, "I'm gonna call my driver to pick you up," I raised my phone to Omar, "And you'll explain the rest."

"But maybe your car isn't big enough to fit Nicholas," he commented, "Plus it's all too fancy, it would probably give a confusing impression when I get to Nicholas's house."

"Then have my driver use one of the SUVs here," I suggested.

We agreed and I messaged the instructions.

I escorted Omar as we went out of the bunker while my driver gets ready the SUV and meet up with Omar by the entrance. 

He turned around to me, his eyes sparkled thanks to the tears that began to flow out, "Take care Ron," he told me, Omar made a quick glance at the hall, "Both of you." He smiled and gently placed his hand onto the levitating corpse of Nicholas.

Eventually, the SUV arrived and Omar carefully placed the body. 

After that, there wasn't much to do in the bunker. I walked past the dark empty corridors. My steps echoed with no other noise competing, it's crazy that the night before, we were preparing for our deaths. 

Now that the dark walls were empty, it scared the living crap out of me. I constantly sang loudly to fill in the void. I passed by the prison area and decided to ask my resident prisoner, Finneas. 

I entered the room, my foot's steps echoed in the steel hall. There Finneas had been mindlessly staring into the blue ceiling.

"Hey what was your grand plan for the Red Phoenix?" I took the opportunity to ask him out of boredom.

He seemed like he just woke up and I had to repeat my question. 

The man stood up and raised two fingers, "The grand plan was a win-win scenario that I made sure the Selrius couldn't resist," he replied with his deep voice, "The plan was the setup siege of Washington. If the Red Phoenix won, they would be used as propaganda to promote the other remaining Scisces-Libquarius to join," he lowered one finger,  "If the Red Phoenix lost then it would show the might of the Selrius army and would scare the rest of the Scisces-Libquarius to go into hiding."

At that moment, I wanted to punch him, as much as I hated the Red Phoenix, they were still my people, the same blood in my veins, "Anything else I should know?" I asked him, 

"Yeah," he replied, "Due to excessive genetic manipulation and cloning, the members' powers and connection to the source had been tempered. Meaning they staled the growth of their powers." But all I got from that was that they're actually clones. I guess that the real bodies were gone when their base was destroyed. 

"If you were this ruthless to put Scisces-Libquarius through," I bitterly remarked, "Why did I get special treatment?"

He set his eyes on me, I could tell he wanted to say a secret but he made a blink and walked closer, "Pain and lose can turn a person," he softly responded, I noticed that he had a much youthful tone to his voice.

I calmly left the room and thankfully I didn't dwell on what I just learned.

I had someone better to attend to. I went to the infirmary to see Jelli sitting at her bed. Her hair was a bit fuzzy, when I came near, her first instinct was to punch me, "What... where am I?" She confusingly asked.

"Somewhere safe," I replied.

I didn't ask her about the night before. She scratched her head, "Yeah, umm can you tell me what happened," she softly asked, "My memories are being blurry right now."

Of all the responses I could think of, I decided to sum it up in a sentence, stuttering along the way, "We fought Maria and we won thanks to you." 

Jelli registered her surroundings, I could tell that she wasn't much thinking straight, to her, this could just be a dream...

She lowered her face and sunk back to her pillow. I didn't know what to do, so I made two bowls of cereals in the cafeteria of the bunker and shared our breakfast.

We didn't much talk since now, I was feeling tired and Jelli felt the same.

After eating, we sunk to our beds and Jelli went straight to snoring. 

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