Greek Adventures: I found the one

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Arvin's PoV

A few hours later and after several incidents in other stops, we arrived at one of the possible destinations. 

I caught a glimpse of the warships docked at the harbour. The stone bricked walls fortified the city and palace with guards stationed in every corner. Although we had their attention, I felt like we were being watched by someone else. A cold shiver ran down my spine. I realized that we couldn't take this place if we fought our way in and out. Even with an awesome crew and a great ship, we were heavily outmatched. 

I turned around to the crew, "If Hepheo is here then we need to be diplomatic in this place," I suggested, "Look maybe the king could be kind and help us." 

"But what if the king is an incestuous tyrant!" Annalie argued, "He'll manipulate us to do his dirty work and when we're done, he might kill us."

As we got closer, Armando shouted at the guards who were up the walls, he said We come in peace! in greek. But maybe he mispronounced because soon after he spoke, the guards focused their bows at him. Annalie stepped forward to shield the rest of us. The seven of us gathered near them. 

Mally managed a smile, "Hey, we're the team that defeated an alien mafia organisation," she said, "Surely we could take out a kingdom."

Ron slapped his forehead, "But we don't have to Mals, we just follow Arvin's diplomacy idea," he told her. I looked around the area as we closed in on the docks. I caught a glimpse of a much smaller boat. Maybe Hepheo used it to travel but the boat seemed a lot more fixed and not a lot like it has been abandoned for ten months. I decided to not think of it. 

"So much for being my brother," Mally commented, "Thanks to girlfriend and our sister, he becomes more of a killjoy."

Ron changed clothes. He went down the deck and emerged in an amber robe with a wavy patterned blue cape strapped by the right shoulder. A gold crown rested on his long shoulder reaching hair with wavy ends.

"You could have given me this chiton instead of that dress earlier!" Ron complained.

"But I like you in that dress," Jelli told him. "Nevermind, at least I could wear something," he told us with a smile on his face. When we were docked.

We talked before going down. 

"Okay, I'll be the VIP and the rest of you will be my entourage," Ron suggested. 

All of us agreed probably because of the last few stops we got into trouble so maybe this time he'll be the one in trouble. We left the dock and we were escorted by honoured guards. We entered the city, the citizens gave us the same looks when we arrived in Lemnos. 

We arrived at the castle gates. And the place was off the hook awesome. We entered the large wooden doors lined with gold and a wide variety of gems. We were lead to a courtyard. Four fountains each spouted a different liquid, water, a red fluid that I'm guessing is wine and olive oil and wait... was that a milk fountain! I don't know if the king was a tyrant but we're impressed by his castle. The five of us were informed that Hepheo was a great craftsman that could build advanced machinery. So I guess maybe the king here used him to build these kinds of stuff. One of the honour guards told us that we would wait while they inform the king. All of us rushed towards the milk fountain and dunked our heads to drink from it. Ron applied some olive oil to his skin. 

He and Jelli drank, "It's wine!" She exclaimed. 

Annalie and Miles rushed towards them and dunked their heads. All our hairs were soaked wet. We looked outside and saw an open field with a bull in a shimmering armour. It played on the floor probably and just ate some of the grass. For some reason, there were some burnt spots and a few clouds of smoke. 

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