Time Quest: Entreat

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Annalie's PoV

I gotta say, travelling to the destinations was a lot longer than doing the actual missions. 

After a sevral more stops, we finally arrived at the epicentre of the essence we located.

We settled at another clearing and used the time navigation. The scene shifted again, from the industrialised buildings to a fortified kingdom in the distance. A more fresh air passed through our noses. And I could hear birds chirping. The group went off the boat and gathered at a nearby tree. We used the tablet and it showed that there were strong readings of Scisces-Libquarius essence at the direction of the kingdom or in the forest that surrounded it. We gathered into a circle.

"How are we supposed to get there?" Armando asked.

"In this time, people are very religious," Miles noted, he had his fingers pinch at the bottom of his chin, "So if they see a flying boat, maybe they'll see it as a sign and might even welcome us with praises."

"Where did you get that dumb idea?" Mally snarked patting Miles by the forehead, "From the book of Ron?"

"Hey Ron is a smart mate," Arvin defended, but tried to mimick Ron's accent and ended up sounding a lot like Irish.

"I'm not saying he's dumb, but his actions and sometimes his decision are dumb," Mally explained, "Narcissistic in some points even."

"Name one time he had been narcissistic?" I demanded.

"When he kept bragging of all the places he'd been during early days of grade 8," Armando replied.

"Just now, he affected your boyfriend's mindset to have us enter and be welcomed with praises," Erïs added.

"There's a tactical side to this as well," Miles defended.

"Sure there is," Mally teased.

We didn't much argue but instead went on with my boyfriend's plan.

As we began to levitate, the group once again met up.

"Okay so, we'll be a representative group," Miles informed us, "Although, one of us should stay to operate the ship."

"I'd do it," Armando volunteered. 

We agreed and flew straight to the hilled kingdom near the river bank. Some of the town's folk noticed and went out the gates. Amongst the crowd, we were greeted by a priest in white robes with gold linings.

He had grey streaks in what was left of his hair and a subtle beard on his cheeks to chin. The priest was accompanied by monks in brown robes.

"Thank the Lord our prayers have been answered!" The priest shouted as he raised his shaky wrinkly hands. I didn't know what he was talking about but I was more glad he wasn't carrying  pitchforks or torches.

Miles caught on, "Ah yes!" He exclaimed with a deep voice, spreading his arms, "We are sent here on a mission, now that we arrived, our ship must be taken back to the heavens," he raised his hands to the ship, signalling it to fly away. Thankfully, Armando noticed and operated the ship to the skies.

"To be honest, I thought angels had wings and armour," The priest said. 

"Well, a warrior should wear the clothes of which one serves," Miles replied.

I noticed that he began to sound a lot more British. 

We went to the fortified walls of the city. 

Thankfully, the priest was able to explain to us what we were supposed to be doing, "We had countlessly prayed assistance from a plague that is a threat to all the other kingdoms," said the priest in a worried tone, "These godless, barbaric filth of men from far away had attacked kingdoms, shore to shores, pillaging all they could get. And we won't be next!"

"Vikings," Miles whispered.

The priest grumbled on and on about the sin and all that.

Mally and Erïs borrowed weapons from the knights.

Arvin and Miles went along with the priests while I rested my arms on the crenel to take in the view. From afar, I saw small stones structures, shops and even the castle. I looked down and saw a group of young kids playing.

One of them looked up and saw me.

I waved my hand, smiled, "Hello," I greeted.

He waved as well, "Hello," he echoed back. To be honest, I really thought places like this would be another poverty throughout time: (Insert time era) edition. 

I couldn't help but admire at the peaceful scenery.

Just then we heard large horns from us and from the distance. The kingdom's knights rushed to the outside and began to their formation

Then large bearded men, wearing skinned animals and other heavy clothing, emerged from the forest. We watched as the bearded men easily broke through the defensive lines of the knights. Then they managed to burst through the kingdom gates and rampaged throughout the streets. The citizens screamed in horror and pain. A part of me kicked in, I gathered the group and teleported below. It was more a mess from the view above. We saw a battalion of knights, they charged to us and fought the intruders. Erïs and Mally already had weapons in hand, so they also joined the battalion in fighting the bearded intruders. Miles and Arvin were still with me. From a distance, I found a few kids cornered at a side of a shop. I ran to them and when they were close in my arms, I teleported them out of the city.

I didn't have much time to take in the scenery since there was a battle at hand. We went back and arrived at a gruesome sight. The bearded men tore the knights with their axes. The archers above tried to aid but the streets were so crowded that they ended having more friendly fires than actually striking down the intruders.

"Annalie get in here!" Erïs screamed as she parried a Viking's axe.

I didn't want to join in her ways. Across the ground pavement, I saw a young boy (between ten to eleven years old) cornered by two large vikings. I was scared that he might get hurt. The Vikings raised their weapons to strike him down, I was about to teleport, I reached out my hand so I could pull the young boy away. 

As I arrived, the two men were caught off guard and decided to attack me instead. My heart pounded more rapid, a feeling I hadn't felt since I tried to save Miles last year. I covered my eyes with my arms. Then suddenly the ground began to rumble beneath our feet. Soon after the quake began to be more violent. Walls crumbled, pieces of roofs fell over the Vikings' heads. I took the opportunity to grab the boy and teleported us away. I managed to send him to an escape group that was about to flee the kingdom. Then the countries got near one another, we formed a defensive circle.

Scisces-Libquarius: Aimless ActWhere stories live. Discover now