A Trial

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Mally's PoV

It was quite a long flight, I remembered the witch trials that took place there, I wondered if it has something to do with our quest if we arrive at that time period.

When we got there, Erïs activated the time navigation and the scenery changed. We looked down below and saw the colonial America! (well, a part of it anyway)

Houses were shaped like those in monopoly, woods were the material for the residences and people had their day to day screams, drunk fights, scents of smokes. We landed at the clearing and my stepparents were able to be convinced to stay guard duty for the ship.

We remembered that we hadn't changed from our clothes, thankfully there were still spare greek outfits so we changed into that.

We went off the ship, out of the woods and into the suburban view of colonial America.

I glanced at both sides of the road and we made our way across. We were met by weird looks which we have gotten used to by now. 

Now we had to start our search. Then the sound of a bell echoed throughout the area, we looked and it came from a building nearby. 

"Let's start over there," Arvin suggested. 

We agreed and went there. As we opened the door, the room was a chapel with people that cursed, shouted and rambled on about the problems. Then they turned attention to us, the strangers dressed in white dresses. 

We had to act quick. I cleared my throat, "Hello, we are weary travellers from a kingdom in Greece," I yelled and exaggerated my accent, "I am Maui Jarlokidaso," I stood firm and held both my hands near my stomach, "Adviser and translator to Princess Annika and her associates," I gestured at Annalie and the group, Annalie whispered a phrase in Tagalog which I didn't understand but I pretended I did, "Princess Annika would like to part take on whatever this is happening," I flicked my fingers and curled it back to my chest to add a bit of royal gesturing to it.

The person in front who I guess is someone important allowed us and they cleared out a full row just for the seven of us to sit on. 

Then the trial began. "Now, we're here for the retrial of suspected witches: Herly Ginger, Recella Westson and Heather Peterson," the man Infront announced, then three girls in ragged clothes walked in, they had long hair, they were probably about a few years old, even from the distance, I could smell their horrible scent, cuffed in chains and most of them looked down. 

"Dan, the scent stinks," I remarked as quiet a I could.

"So you girls, do you defend the claims that you three practising witchcraft in the woods? that lead to one of our townsfolk cursed!" The judge asked.

"We deny such claims," the one in the right shouted. she had red wavy hair.

"We're innocent and we merely used self-defence," the middle one with short muddy hair added.

"We are merely-"

"-Even in danger, witches standby their lies," the judge interrupted the blonde girl at the left, the judge slowly shook his head with a spark of determination in his eyes, "You're not the first witches to pretend they're innocent, and you sure won't the last!" his statement was followed by a standing ovation, "You have failed to prove your innocence and we had waited long enough to put you to your deaths, before you curse us even more!" the cheers got even louder. 

I glanced at my sister and I could sense that she knew the girls were innocent, then her caring instincts kicked in, "This is not fair!" She shouted, "Those girls are innocent!"

All eyes gathered around her. At that moment she realized that she blew her cover. 

The crowd began to insult her, "You're stupid!" one shouted. 

"You don't understand stand what's going on here!" The other yelled.

"Maybe you're also a witch," a man with a twirled moustache accused her, "Came here to save your other freak sisters!"

"Probably her associates are also witches!" another man added.

Two guards began to move toward us. We had to act, if we get caught, we might fail our mission. I noticed that Annalie's hand began to shake uncontrollably, maybe she was scared or maybe she was holding in a pee.

I signalled her not to follow. 

Then I pretended to flinch and rubbed my eyes, "What happened?" I asked and looked around me, "Where am I and how did I get here?"

Miles and the others caught on and pretended to also flinch out. Armando pretended to faint back to his seat, Arvin then stepped in, he pointed at Annalie, "You!' he shouted with dread in his voice like Annalie was the old bully again, "I remember you! You were that witch that attacked us!"

Miles then moved closer to my sister, "You cast a spell on us," he said to her, "Made us follow your every sadistic thing you desired, and now you took us to a whole new world," he looked around the area before returning his gaze at Annalie, "Now it's my turn to return the favour."

I could tell he held back a huge laugh, Annalie get what happened and just played along. She acted scared, like she had failed or something. Guards dragged my sister out of the church. It's funny how it was easy to turn against our friends and worse... family but we had to do to survive. The trial went on and the three girls were declared guilty and were sentenced to death by fire tomorrow, along with my sister. 

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