Greek Adventures: Something Great

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Ron's PoV

After a few days of travelling, traversing through storms, thankfully we didn't have to ask help for directions since Hepheo knew how to navigate the seas, we finally arrived back to Lemnos. We stopped by the private docks near the castle. Athe, Perius and Zayn were there to greet us. 

As we got out of the ship, the three hugged Hepheo, "We took care of our kingdom while you were gone," Zayn told him. 

Hepheo thanked them. They arranged a parade for Hepheo's return. 

The rest of us didn't participate since we were still somehow hungover and our heads still hurts. We went to one big room and the rest fell asleep on the floor. In my head, I was surprised that Mally and I could have worked with her idea despite our heads being so hurt.

I managed to focus my head to lead Jelli to the room where I slept the last time I was here. I let her sleep at the bed while I slept on the floor. While I laid on the floor flat. I could hear my snore and growl at the same time.

The next morning, I was late for breakfast but after that, Athe and Perius invited me for some walking by the hills. 

I brought my dagger along just in case another might happen. As we walked there, I took in the calm scenery, a light sound of waves crashing towards the golden sands of the shore nearby, the grass grew to an ideal height with few nice ones erecting to present flowers in a variety of colours.

Eventually, we descend to the shores which was even more soothing to be in.

Perius had his hands behind his back, "So I think congratulations are in order, for you being successful in harnessing the 3rd spirit," he said to me. 

I looked down, took a deep sigh, "But the last time I used it, I lost control and went violent plus I didn't couldn't use my other powers, it's like I'm stuck with the 3rd spirit," I embarrassingly told them.

"Don't worry, you're lucky, when Zayn learned to turn into an eagle, he spent a year in the wilds as a violent eagle," Athe stated, she patted me in the back, "All you need is some loved ones to get through with it."

Then Perius stepped forward, "Which reminds me, during breakfast, one of the things your friends talked about was you not being able to swim? What was that all about?" he asked.

I took a deep sigh and gazed to the roaring shores below, "I don't really know, I guess the waters just reminds me so much that it hurts," I proposed.

"I don't know why but can we see what happens when you're in the waters, maybe we could help it," Perius suggested. 

I agreed, I mean I've been through the water and maybe it could explain my deafness in my right ear.

I approached the sea. The waters touched my toes and not gonna lie, this has been the closest I have to a beach experience. Nothing happened, I still didn't pass out so I think good news?

I moved further and further until the waters at my waist. 

"Maybe it is supposed to be in my head?" I guessed. 

I took a huge scoop with my hands and flung it to my face. My vision blacked out. I didn't know much but I felt that I shook uncontrollably that I could barely feel my body. And then I woke up in my bed. Perius and Athe stood beside my bed. 

"You're awake," Athe stated.

"So did you find out the problem?" I asked.

Perius sat down, "Well good news, I found out what was wrong," he announced, I leaned forward, he waved his hand, "The deafness in your right ear is caused by a cup full of water stuck to the right side of your head. It works similar to a telepathic link made by Scisces with telepathy-" 

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