Greek Adventures: The Journey

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The next day, Jelli and I were lead to the dock by Athe where she presented us with a wooden boat.

We moved up the bridge and looked around it.

I have no idea how to operate these kinds of boats. Hopefully, Jelli knows. Athe had an entourage of soldiers behind her back, she handed to us each a bag filled with stuff I hope and not just a bag of rocks, "You'll have to go south from this island and down to Crete, there, you'll meet the order, I already sent a message ahead to them that you want to learn the friend's spirit. Just show them your powers to prove your identity," She told us.

Zayn stepped in, "A piece of advice, choose an animal that's in the ground because if you try to learn bird...," He let out an awkward sigh, "You end up falling through branches."

"Also, you'll need this," Athe handed me a coin, "The order gave these coins to permit entrance, show them the coin and show a bit of your power."

I could tell that Athe wanted to say something, judging from her face, if she doesn't want to tell us then fine, she already said more than enough for us. We walked up to our boat and thankfully Jelli prepared the sails. We floated away from the dock and we waved back to our friends.

"Take care brother!" Annalie's voice echoed from the distance. 

"Miles! You better not hurt my sister while I'm gone!" I yelled at him, "Bye!" My voice echoed at them. 

The sail somewhat reminded me of my adventures with Genna on that canoe. Jelli and I didn't much talk since she had to control sails. I was at the side of the boat, reached out my hand to the waters that coursed gently through my hand. 

"Careful with that," Jelli warned. 

The water managed to wet my hand, I blew some air to my arm and wiped it off. It turned on the glowing tattoo and it was just as I remembered it. A blue glowing lightning bolt tattoo with a trail of lines on both sides. Although this time the bolt was a lot bigger and more straight, at the bottom of the bolt resembled my guardian dagger's handle. And the sides were thinner and it now wrapped around my wrist.

I looked around, a flock of birds flew above us, and a few dolphins jumped out of the water. I smelled the fresh breeze of the sea as it raced against my face, caused my long hair to wave like a flag. Although Jelli told me to stay away from water. We took a couple of stops to get directions. I remembered a few words from greek but I'm pretty sure my greek is different from theirs. Thankfully we had a map in our bags so we showed it to the locals and they thankfully pointed us in the direction. 

A few hours and a day later we arrived at the docks. We were met by a hooded figure. It was a man with a sharp jawline, an elongated nose and a goatee.

I showed him the coin, let some electricity flow and completely envelope the coin. It's not as draining as creating my lightning blade. 

The figure wasn't impressed, he didn't even move. So I reached out my hand blasted the waters below. A few dead fishes floated up the surface.

That must have impressed him, "Follow me," He told us. He walked up to our ship and we followed him.

He navigated the boat to a river that ran deeper into the thick jungles of the island. Everything began to be darker and darker, Jelli held my hand and I reached for my dagger, "This must be very scary for you," she whispered.

"Hopefully, there aren't dogs here," I added.

I created a short lightning blade with my dagger to put some light. The hooded figure tilted his head at us, "Athe sent us a bird message, I was stationed to be there to guide you and I spent days waiting for you, some locals even though I was a statue," He bitterly told us.

I think I heard bats fly through us somewhere. The river lead us to a lake, we stopped at the shore. Other hooded figures were near the trees and dock.

"We are the order of Panvi the friend," Our tour guide hooded figure announced.

We got out of the boat and got to look at more of the dark surroundings.

We saw a pathway to a large cave ahead. Columns of torches lit the way. Jelli and I followed as we entered the cave. After a long walk through the darkness, we arrived at a part of the room that was more lit up. More figures talked to one another, some roamed around. One pulled my wrist and poured a bowl of water to my wrist then proceeded to blow it. It caused my tattoo to glow back. 

One tried to do the same with Jelli, "You don't have to, she's with me and she's human," I told the figure. 

"Leave us be!" A voice echoed from the centre, a middle-aged man sat at a marble chair, lined with gold and other gems like decorations. He had a bushy white beard and hood covered the rest of his facial features. The other hooded figures, including our companion left.

I approached the old man, "I want to learn the third spirit, the spirit of the friend," I demanded.

He stood up, "Before that, I should inform you the history of the power you seek," He said, " Like the rest of the hundred Scisces-Libquarius, you were blessed with the staff of Lover and The cloak of the sister. Giving a connection to their power source/spirit. But The friend brought his artefact and he went here after his confrontation with Sel. And for years, the order has been protecting the The crown of the friend. Not using the power for we are not worthy to wield the power of our ancestors but we teach them to the Scisces that sought them." 

He led me to another room where two other hooded guarded a crown that rested on top a gray stone pedestal. Jelli was blocked from the entrance but hopefully, it's to protect her.

"The crown of the friend," the white beard hooded figure told me, "The wearer would be granted immense knowledge and enhance their brain. Panvi created it to keep himself more sane whenever he used the 3rd spirit to turn into an animal," He turned around towards me, "The blessings ceremony will begin shortly." 

I changed into a ceremonial toga which was just a white one. 

"If only they had orange," I remarked.

He dipped his hand to the ground, wrote some signs in my forehead, the wrist where my tattoo would be and finally at my chest.

Shortly later, he was handed some kind of metal torch. He spoke some kind of incantation then suddenly green sparks begin to flow out of the crown. He kept speaking the language that somehow sounded familiar. Then he aimed the torch at me. The green sparks slowly flew and surrounded every part of me, I became a green glowed kid and the sparks entered inside me. It didn't hurt just... Felt familiar.

"The blessing is complete," The Oldman announced. 

I stood up, "Is that it?" I asked.

He walked towards me, "Not yet," he said, "You still have to have an emotional breakdown but before that, you should (like what the other Scisces-Libquarius had to do), train to have a mind of an animal. We'll start tomorrow."

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