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Annalie's PoV

A few days later. During breakfast, while the rest of us were eating pancakes, Ron asked to have hotdogs and rice because he had a fear of food that involved eggs. That didn't stop Mally for obnoxiously eating in front of him. Then he pulled out his phone and I didn't know what he saw but his eyes light up like he won an award or something. 

"No phones at the table," Mom told him.

He placed his phone back to his pocket, "Sorry Ma'am," he replied and then he quickly finished his plate, "Um, miss, I'm gonna skip school, I have something to attend to." 

And before mom could respond, Ron ran away, leaving in a gust of wind. 

"And he still manages to get good grades," Mally commented.

My brother didn't show up for school but after dismissal, he messaged us that he arranged private cars to take us to a secret location, the coordinates of which lead to Talisay. Mom and dad were already waiting at the car.

We arrived at a walled area, as we got near, the gates opened, we moved down the pathway where we found a white coloured shingle styled mansion. The grey roof was steeply pitched and irregularly shaped with a dominant front-facing gable. A full width symmetrical one-story high porch greeted us by the entrance. Ron was standing at the porch, waving his hand like five year old.

"Welcome mates to my... place," He greeted us. He opened the large brown double door with its white doorknob, "It's timber, strong wood," He pointed at the knob. 

As we entered the mansion, our jaws dropped from the site of the interior.

The floor was made of polished wood. Curved ornate staircases with golden railings lead to a balcony (That I'm guessing of the second floor). The diamond-patterned tin ceiling panel had a certain blue and yellow shimmer to it. The twenty feet tall peach painted walls were lit up by white box-shaped wall sconces with a golden outline. An orange lined doorway led to a large hall on the left while there was a cinema-style door on the right and just below the indoor balcony was another doorway.

Mally approached our brother, "Well damn, I thought you forgot," she remarked.

Ron chuckled, the two shared a high five, he then turned to our parents, "I can explain," he told us, he looked at our parents, "M-", I'm guessing he was picking between Mom, Mother, Ma'am, Miss, which I found funny that our nickname alien boy couldn't choose one, Ron cleared his throat, "Before you adopted me, I already bought this place and it was under remodelling when I got adopted, earlier today I received a call that the remodelling was complete," He then walked towards our parents, "I didn't mean to offend you it's just that... This place feels more home." 

Mally and I had a feeling that our parents would scold him, telling him to sell the place and stay back at our house but She and I would stand by our brother, trying to defend this place. Like this place is awesome, who wouldn't want to live here? We walked our way behind Ron. But instead of a scolding, our parents hugged him, "We're not mad," my mom calmly told him, "We're more worried, like how could you even afford this place? And aside from that, this seemed to be expensive to maintain."

"I paid this completely off with the money from my job of modelling in high paying fashion companies and from my other financial accounts," Ron explained to them and he looked around, "Plus I bought windmills, solar panels and a backup generator so I don't have to worry about the electrical bill." Mally and I stepped in and begged to let us move here, "WE WON'T BE YOUR DAUGHTERS IF YOU WON'T LET US LIVE HERE!!!" we cried out.

The rest of the group were in shock and somewhat afraid of us.

"I'd be more than happy if you would like to move in here," Ron added, he moved closer to us and tapped mine and Mally's head, "And also let you keep my sisters from running away."

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