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Ron's PoV

I later woke up, the time on the ceiling showed that it was midnight. I found that Mally was missing, so I rose up and got a good view of everyone's sleeping position. Arvin was curled by the door of the bed, Armando acting like Arvin's pillow. Miles curled himself next to my sister. I approached her, gently kissed Annalie's forehead, "Thanks, Sis," I whispered, hopefully echoing in her sleep, "I had a fun time with you."

I had so many words to say to her... than those I whispered. 

I noticed that Mally was missing and I have a feeling where she went.

I headed to the kitchen to find Mally, she was taking out a box of Chuckie and opening it.

"Hey," she called, she raised the box, "Cheers to not letting Annalie find out that we skipped class today."

"What was your excuse?" I asked.

"Did you have one?" she teased.

"Well, you got me," I commented.

"I knew it," Mally remarked as she chug her drink.

We both chuckled.

Arvin, Armando and Miles were just supposed to have a sleepover at the mansion for the weekend and the six of us would also work on our projects for school but news spread of the school year being abruptly cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The official social media accounts of the school had an announcement from the University's Brother President. The next morning our classmates spread the news in class GC. Miles, Annalie and I posted on our accounts a dedication to the school year and also uploaded photos we took during the year. I even posted on my Instagram a picture of the discovery group. 

And then just as we heard the school's announcement, the city we were in announced a lockdown, closing the border with our neighbouring cities. 

So all of us were in lockdown on the house.

One night, I was at the indoor balcony, playing with the camera on my phone. Then I heard a knock at the door. Instead of walking down the stairs, I decided to slide down the railings. I grabbed the railing, lifted myself to be on top of it then pushed myself and let the slippery take control. As I slid down, I slipped and fell six feet to the ground. I ran to the door, opened it and saw Jelli. She wore a pink shirt and tattered jeans with some dirt on it. She was carrying a pink backpack in her right arm and around her neck was the neck pillow I gave her.

I wrapped my arms around her, "Jelli, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"My grandparents were informed that elderly people are more likely to get the virus," she kindly answered, "So they told me to find a place that is far enough so they may not infect me."

"Okay, Then how did get here?" I asked her, "Talisay is far from Bacolod."

"Well it was hard and was nearly caught by some cops but I told them I was homeless," She told me, "I slipped into the tall grasses, a bunch of trees, etc and I found my way here," he gestured towards me, "To you."

I wanted to kiss her but I was also worried if she had any injuries, "I'll check your arms to see if you got hurt," I worriedly told her.

She kissed my cheeks, "Strawberry nose, I'm fine," Jelli calmly said to me. I used to hate that nickname but after I learned about her favourite colour, I kinda liked it now.

"You know you could have just called me, right?" I told her, "I could have just sent a private car to take you here or I could've even taken you here myself."

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