Greek Adventure: Into the woods

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The next day, I was left in the woods and they told me to act like an animal. I remembered Zayn's advice of not choosing to be a bird and my own thoughts of not choosing to be a fish. Plus I already had a somewhat survivor mentality from time spent on being in the cave. 

So walked with four legs, growled at things and even scared some local wildlife. 

Soon I rested under a tree for the night. Days passed and I had gotten used to being like an animal that in one of my chases for a squirrel, my toga got ripped off me by a branch. I didn't mind it and continued to chase the squirrel. That day, I was completely starkers in the woods. 

A couple more days passed. And after a long chase in the woods, I decided to go back to my tree. I was met by stag, it rested at the foot of my tree. One trait a somewhat developed was being territorial so I growled at the creature and I lunged toward it. We had a huge fight, it slammed me against the trunk while I bit its face. Eventually, the stag gave up and ran away. I roared at it and for the first time in the past few days I said human words, "Stay out of here!" I shouted. Just then the hooded figures approached me.

"I think it has been quite an enough time," the Oldman commented. They took me back to the cave and put me in another toga.

Then they brought Jelli in front of me. She was wearing a pink toga and smelled like she hadn't bathe for days, like me. But I was so glad to see her, all I could think of while being in the dark jungle was her and how she was doing. 

"Are you alright?" I worriedly asked her while my arms were wrapped around Jelli. 

She nodded, "Yeah," Jelli told me, her voice seemed down.

The old man handed me my gem dagger, (I have a bad feeling of where this might be going), "Now for the traumatic emotional breakdown to unlock the power," the white bearded man told me, he then moved me towards Jelli, aimed my hand that held the dagger, pointing it to Jelli, "The best way to have one is to lose... someone you love."

I froze for a second... then I gathered my thoughts, I had no hesitation, I did what felt right, "No!" I angrily shouted. I don't want to lose one person I loved the most, someone so important to me and one of the people I have left. I was emotional alright, although not much to get the power but enough to energise me up. I carried Jelli to the ship and blasted a big beam of electricity to push forward the boat. We got out of the jungle. None of the order tried to stop us.

We didn't know where to go but I just wanted to be away from there. I wondered, who did Zayn kill? His guardian the highest suspect. I didn't want to dwell on it any longer. I looked at Jelli, with teary eyes. Both of us were a bit shaken by what happened.

"Ron..." she spoke.

I held her hand, "I promise to never hurt you," I vowed to her. I immediately wrapped my arms around her and I soon let go to let her manage the sail.

But a violent weather attacked our journey. The water began to be darker as well as the skies. Waves began to make our boat off balance then a large one struck us. As the water splash to my head, I heard a girl's scream and felt the pain of a dagger that ran through my back. I ducked, covered my ears and eyes but another massive wave knocked me out. 

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