Greek Adventures: Moments

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Ron's PoV

When I got back to the castle, I slept for the whole day, when I woke up I went to the dining hall. Luckily everyone was still having breakfast. But I sensed a strong vibe in the room, most we somewhat tired.

"Hey mates, what's wrong, shouldn't you all be sober by now?" I questioned.

"We attended a play last night that was about our quest," Mally replied while midway through her sentence she yawned.

"And it was awful!" Armando screamed, "Like they got the main plot of us going on a quest to find Hepheo but aside from that," Armando lifted his hand and began to raise each finger to count down what was wrong, "They changed the dialogue, talked down to the viewers, changed and cut out important scenes for poorly conceived ideas for a story, scenes that don't make sense, plus they aged up the characters. They hired thirty-year-old actors to play roles intended for kids! My goodness, it was awful."

"But how were you able to understand the play, we barely understood greek?" I asked.

"Athe used her telepathy to translate us the play as we watched it," Annalie replied.

I glanced at Jelli, "And you were okay with that?" I asked her.

"There were things far worse than that! They overly romanticised the stories and even made it into a more of a fetch mission instead of a sea trip," She bitterly added. To be honest, I kinda got turned on by Jelli's angriness. 

I walked towards her chair, rubbed her arms from behind to calm her down and rested my head over hers, "Now you know how I feel about the PJO adaptations," I told her.

"At Least it got a musical," she remarked. I had a huge grin on my face, I think I calmed her down. I pulled the empty chair next to her and sat on it. I ate my steak for breakfast.

"Why were you so mean to the play Armando?" Miles asked.

"Nothing, I just love being a critique, that would be my dream job," Armando replied.

"You have a weird new entourage Ron," Genna commented.

 I made a sly smile. I leaned towards Jelli, "After this, let's go to the beach, I have to show you something," I whispered to her. 

She nodded, "Alright," she whispered back.

After breakfast, we went outside the whole castle. We walked down the hill and into the shores. From the distance, we could see that the city had another play. It may have frustrated the group but the play reminded me of a familiar feeling. Even though she faced the other way, I could tell she was smiling.

"What are you thinking mi amore?" I asked.

She turned around with a sweet smile on her face, "Do you still remember the school play we joined back at the UK?" she calmly brought up.

A small smile rose from my face, "Yes," I replied, "You told the group to enter and I was the only one to actually join, What was my role again?"

"You were the knight while I played the fairy that gave you what you needed to help the prince in saving his princess from the wicked witch," she replied.

"But the best parts were after rehearsals," I softly noted with a smile on my face, We both smiled at each other, "It feels like it was only yesterday." 

"You would stay with me until I got picked up by my parents," she calmly recalled to me.

"I would play with a guitar to let you sing," I happily said to her.

"Do yoga"

"Build forts made of blankets"

"You would let me draw on you with a marker from the art shelf"

"We'd sing some song that didn't know the name"

"Ran around the empty halls, even danced at the gymnasium"

"Often slept on the floor until we're picked up"

"Everything has changed," said Jelli, with a bittersweet to her voice. As if she preferred her life back in the UK.

"Speaking of change, that's why I wanted to come here," I told her, "I want to show you something." I took off my robes and dived into the shores head first.

"Ron!" Jelli screamed. She ran to me while I was submerged in the waters. I stood up, my arms spread wide open, "I can now swim!" I screamed. The look on her teary stunning eyes was beautiful to look at and made it more satisfying that I achieved it. She wrapped her arms around me. I cherished every second of our embrace. Then she pulled away, lowered her arm and sent a wave at me, "Jelli no!" I whined. I raised my hand to make a splash but then a small cyclone of water elevated us a few inches of the floor.

"I'm doing this Ron, you still haven't quite handled my powers," Genna told me.

Jelli and I were in front of one another, with our waists safely enveloped by a small cyclone of water. But then we got closer and the cyclone pulled us to the soft sandy sea bed. I felt Jelli's lips pressed to mine with a taste of lemon and I kissed her on her lips. We bit our lips and awkwardly smiled at one another.

"You're welcome," Genna told me, "Hold her hand."

I reached out my hand and Jelli held it. Then we started to levitate off the floor. The wind slowly brushed through us and we flew back to the castle. We were greeted by the group and Perius.

"Ron can swim now!" Jelli enthusiastically announced.

"He's in his leather brief," Armando pointed out. Perius used his water abilities to get a robe and handed it over to me. I changed on the spot and we all had a group hug.

The next few days while in breakfast, Hepheo stormed into the hall. He wore welding glasses, a burnt-out apron and he was completely steamy. 

"I finished it!" He screamed. 

We were in complete silence, I leaned forward, "Who's gonna ask what he is talking about?" I whispered. "What did you create this time?" Zayn asked.

"I managed to develop a time navigation ship," Hepheo replied, "I used the ship that you used to save me," he pointed at us, "Redeveloped the time navigation technology I made for Athe in her paint quest but this time it is unlimited. And I found this really cool machinery out in the woods," my eyes began to widen, Hepheo continued, "It had wings and the inside was somewhat advance, it seemed that it was abandoned, so I dismantled it and used the materials to upgrade the ship. Also now the ship is plated with strong metal for armour, can travel through time and with a nice interior."

I stood up from my seat, "That machinery was my jet!" I complained.

"Don't worry, the interiors of the hull was designed based on the interior of your 'jet' I even made dedicated rooms for some, like a room for that water seat, a room for that snack area and a room filled with those very comfortable seats!"

I calmed down and went back to eating. Then after one bite from my meal, the entire exchanged talks and decided to travel around time and get the Scisces-Libquarius spread throughout time. They left their seats and went to prepare.

"They know that they don't have any of their stuff, right?" Jelli noted.

"Plus they don't know the when abouts of the other Scisces," I added, I stood from my chair, "Yeah, I'm gonna go to, so I could prepare in my room."

"Me too," She replied as we both left our seats.

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