Greek Adventures: Ashore

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When I woke up I clothes were still soaked in water and some were a bit torn. 

The next thing I saw was that I rested on the sandy shores and Jelli sat beside me, "You kept shaking and I didn't know what to do, I hope you're okay now," She said. 

"How did we get here?" I asked. 

"We washed up and I didn't let go of you," She replied. 

I moved to sit beside her, reached out my palm to touch her, "Are you okay?" I asked. 

She simply nodded.

I stood up, cleared a few grains of sand stuck to my hands and hair. After that, O sat once again with Jelli.

"Ron, can I ask you something?" She questioned, I nodded and made a small gesture with my hand to signal yes, she continued, "You know our friends and the rest of our batchmates thinks that we're not supposed to be together. You gained quite a reputation for being a ladies' man and they said that we won't last," she paused, her eyes twinkled with the water that began to slip out, "So... I'm scared of doing this and what comes next but. I have to ask," she moved her hand and held mine, I felt the warm palm resting on top of mine, "Why did you love me?"

I faced down a bit, I knew I had the answer for a while now but I just never had the time to tell her, maybe it's now the time, I took a deep breath, slowly touched and fiddled her hair, I hope it would ease the tension in her forehead, "Because, in my triumph, you were there to congratulate me and when times I'm bad at something, you were there to help me through with it," I confessed to her, "I didn't pretend to be someone I'm not to impress you because you knew the part of me that was real. You would warn me of the challenges ahead, wouldn't look down on me for my failures. And you made me prove to you my feelings instead of making me prove why you should love me."

A faint smile rose from our cheeks.

"It's kind of weird," Jelli commented, "Before this we had relationships-"

"-That didn't end so well," I added.

We chuckled a bit, then Jelli and I locked eyes. But deep down, I knew it was because we both had bad relationships that hurts us in ways but we were there for each other to overcome them.

"Actually, when I saw what Seth was doing, my feelings for you resurfaced. I couldn't let him hurt you like," Jelli said to me as she gently held my hand, "Seeing you being hurt felt like he was attacking a part of me." 

"Resurfaced?" I asked with a bit of a confused look on my face.

Jelli smiled a bit, "It's obvious, I had feelings for you, back in the UK, you were always the kinder one," She told me, "Although you, along with the rest of the group ask help for a test. You rarely did so. And I'm actually impressed by your grades back in school," I chuckled a bit more since I always thought she would make fun of how stupid I am, she continued to talk, "But seeing you with someone else, I had to grow out of it because it was painful to see you with..." Jelli paused and bit her lips, "Then I realized it was a lot harder to see you being hurt by someone else."

"Same here," I replied, "First of all, I again have to apologize for shooting you during the battle," Jelli began to smile a bit wider, I continued, "When I realized it was you. Something in me snapped, I tried protecting you from the war that I was involved with, that took a toll on me. Then when I saw you with the Ligs, I knew that Maria used you. It felt like she used someone so important. And when I saw you, I realized, I felt... I knew that you were someone special to me."

Jelli's face became a bit calm but quickly shifted into worried, "I brought this up because our batchmates somewhat teased, and I often got insecure whenever you are with other girls because I think you're better off with them," She worriedly sobbed, "Like Annalie, who I KNOW isn't your sister. You two are aliens which often makes me scared that you'll dump me for her to maintain the alien gene. Or Raphaella! I didn't know much about her but I had a feeling that in another lifetime, you two..." she stopped speaking, turning her eyes to the sky above, "Would be so much more. What made things worse was the spreading rumours about you being a womaniser."

I reached for her hand, rested my head on her shoulders, "Of all the girls I could have tricked to be my next girlfriend,"vI said to her, "My heart chose you. Because I knew that you didn't deserve to be manipulated, not again. We both knew that feeling. So I hope we could trust each other and tell the truth," I mustered my words to tell her, "Jelli, I l... Love you." I know it sounded a little bit dumb and confusing, even I got confused by what I said but I knew my words were true to my feelings. 

Jelli smiled, rested her head on mine, "Like I said the last time. I love you too," she softly spoke to me.

We focused our sights to the sun above a view I hope we would share for the rest of our lives together. Every hour, every minute.

Eventually, I=our stomachs grumbled.

I stood up, "I'm gonna go hunt down our food, being told to live like an animal back in the jungle really added in my survivor's mentality," I cheerfully explained, "I hope you like roasted squirrels." 

She had a mix of disdain and laughter on her face. 

I wasn't really gonna get squirrels, I was gonna get a deer since I hated them. Plus in cooking class, I learned that deer meat could be eaten.

I roamed around for hours and finally, I found a stag that rested near a bush. I roared at it and it rose up. It was like one of those radiated creatures we fought with Athe a few days ago. I immediately lunged myself at it, grabbed one of the antlers but it lifted me up and I was stuck at its antlers. My clothes even got torn apart and a few of its antlers pierced through my arm and legs. I roared in agony and out of frustration I bit the head. It threw me off its antlers and charged in my direction. I stood up, mouth still drenched in blood and my paws began to light up with a few sparks of electricity. I smacked the stag in the face and proceeded to attack it on the body. But I was drained of energy, I was overwhelmed by the stag's kicks that it knocked me down. As I lay on the ground I had just realized that this is the most beat down I have ever had. I felt the beating embrace of death inside of me. My vision began to dizzy, it felt weak and my insides were trying to tear their way out. Plus all my wounds that the Stag made, (it even reopened the wound Maria slashed in my leg) began to let out drops of blood. But all I could think of was Jelli and how she could survive. What if the Stag would get to her, she has a dagger but I don't think that would be enough. And now that I might be gone, who else would be with her... I just can't stop these thoughts. I just hope that she's safe. I took one last shot at fighting the stag. I growled as I crawled towards it. But before I could charge a beam of electricity, something in me just gave up and my vision faded to black. And I felt like my face had gotten pulled wider, my mouth pulled forward. I began to feel big, my hands and feet began to stretch out. I wanted to scream for help all I heard was a roar.

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