Time Quest: Breath

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Eventually, we were overpowered and got knocked out. The next thing I saw was the group in a metal cage, the sound of crashing waves grumbled behind the walls, and somehow, the place wasn't stable. I could hear the sound of chanting from the outside. I quickly realized that this was a ship.

"Good, you're awake," Arvin greeted.

"We wouldn't be here if Annalie fought with us," Erïs said bitterly. My head began to heat up, I had just woken up and now she's blaming me for what happened.

I wanted to shoot a glare that I haven't used for a while now, but when I realized that I was getting angry, I reverted back to a more worried look. Because I don't want to go back to my old ways. Soon after, the ship docked to the shore and they brought us out. When they placed out the cage, I managed to get a view of their five-ship fleet. 

The sky began to set, soon after the group went for their rest. It was now only Miles and I. 

He moved close to me, "So..." he awkwardly remarked, "I sensed that you have a bit of tension between you and Erïs, want to talk about it?"

I took a deep sigh, it was better to open up to someone than to let it eat me inside, "I-It's just that..." I stuttered, "I don't want to undo the changes I've been through. From a girl that would throw away girl scout's cookies to the one making said cookies. And I'm just worried that day after day, Erïs's behaviour would eventually bring me back to my old ways and...," I glanced at the sleeping group, "I might drive everyone away to leave me again. This time, I won't have anyone to break me down so I could change," I began to curl up to my corner, legs wrapped inside my arms, "I'd be instead... alone." My heart sank, I might have over-thought it but, it made me clear out what was on my head.

Miles saw the worried look on my face, he smiled to cheer me up, then he moved a side of my hair to behind my ear, "No matter how many times you'd push me away, I'll always come back to you," he calmly said.

We gently pressed our lips and felt each other's saliva.

"Well that took a weird turn," A raspy voice said, it sounded more like someone had just woken up, We looked and it was Mally, she moved from her sleep position to sit down, "We had been pretending to sleep, so you could speak up," Then we heard a loud snore from Arvin, "Except my him," she pointed to Arvin, "He's really asleep." So I guess they must have heard what I said.

"Why did you even want to be mean again?" I asked Erïs.

"Arvin talked about you all during our private times together, and when I heard the stories of you being a bully, causing chaos, scaring everyone on sight, I was relieved that after spending most of my life in castles, with a kill-joy know-it-all and a narcissist, I'll finally have a girl to have fun messing around," Erïs answered, she had a slight hint of disappointment in her eyes, "So what made you change?"

I glanced at the group, "Well, year after year, I would restart making friends, since the ones I bullied into making mine would try their best to stay away from me if I wasn't their classmate," I responded, "When I got to the university, I was ready to go through my process into bullying people to be my friends, but after a few weird adventures," I looked at the group, a quick memory flashed through my eyes, with all the original six members, with their weird haircuts and school uniform, the memory faded back to reality, reminding me that some were gone and our journey truly changed, "We got closer, no amount of challenges can take away that."

"You know what's weird Anni?" Mally asked, "You glossed over our stepbrother."

The group giggled a bit which left a confused look on Erïs, "Is this one of your inside jokes?" She asked.

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