Plan Revealed

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Mally's PoV

It has been quite a night. I was still fixated on today... Why was it stuck in my head? Meanwhile, my sister was pacing around since finishing her plate of beef mushroom for dinner.

"Come down sis!" I called out while I stuffed my mouth with the remaining beef on my plate.

"I can't! It's late and our brother is still not home!" Annalie screamed worriedly, "I'm the eldest and he's my responsibility just as you are."

"Need I remind you that before he was adopted, he was pretty good at fending off for himself," I pointed out, "Also, your Miles? Ring a bell? Now if you excuse me, I still need to figure out something about today... why am I so fixated on today." I made a quick sip at my hot choco.

"Maybe it's connected to why the boys are late," Annalie desperately suggested, she got down on one knee, "Mally, please... I need to not screw this up, I have to be responsible."

I gently placed my hand on her soldier, "We've done worse," I remarked to her, "But sure, I'm gonna go to my room, get some of my stuff to help you solve why your boyfriend, our best friends and our brother is late during a school night."

"Thanks, Mals," Annalie told me.

I went up the stairs, entered my room and probably do something.

I headed to the drawer of my closet but as I searched, I found my old notepad from my time on separating Annalie and Miles. I flipped through the pages... and found why I was fixated on today... it was listed on of my plans for the March fourth to the end of Millie. Damn... this was both fun and embarrassing that I came up with this idea of a plan.

As I went down, Annalie's rambling echoed and reached me, "Maybe this part of being an alien is having a super sense for some and I'm pretty sure mine is acting up way worse now cuz my boyfriend hasn't responded and my brother is late for dinner!" Annalie worried, "Okay, calm down, probably my energy is already affecting Mally," she noticed me descending, "Mals-"

"-I think I know what happened to me," I interrupted.

"What's your lead," Annalie asked.

"Well, while I was in that bitter phase to separate you and Miles," I responded, "I enlisted the help of someone for a plan... that was supposed to happen today," I placed the notepad, flipped through the pieces of paper to the page that I wrote the plans in.

"What was your plan?" My sister questioned me.

I made a quick glance and tried to make sense of the bulleted plans, "So basically, have the boys away from you, especially Miles, I'd take them far away while somehow leaving you alone with the person I set up," I explained to her, "I'd hope the person would lower your guard with his relentless efforts meanwhile I'd hope to be successful in charming Miles."

"Who was the guy you set up?" Annalie asked.

"Jomil, one of our classmates," I answered, "He's like Ron but less charismatic or charming or just.. nothing but a rich boy."

"How did you know he would be into me?" Annale questioned me once more.

"Well, I found him having a pic of you in a swimsuit during a swimming class in Mapeh," I replied, "When I remembered that during the phase, I spread rumours that you were appealing for someone like him."

For a moment, my sister just froze, her jaws dangled and her yellow-blue kaleidoscope eyes just stared straight at me.

"Well... what did you discuss with him?" She asked me, "Maybe we could get a lead."

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