Greek Adventures: Welcome to the crew

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Arvin's PoV

It has been hours since we set sail. Armando and Mally looked around their binoculars. Miles and Annalie managed the control of our ship. 

I moved to the side of the ship, spreading my arms as the winds raised against my hair.

Then we passed by an island. 

Mally called our attention, "Hey guys," she said to us.

"What?" the rest of us collectively responded.

"Set a course to that island," she demanded.

"Why?" Miles asked.

"Because I think I saw girl with a person in robe beside her" She replied. 

Armando rushed to Mally's side and used his binoculars. 

"Yeah I see her, but maybe it's just a stranded girl," Armando added. 

"Maybe she could help us in translating words or at least help us navigate through the archipelago," I suggested.

Mally put down her binoculars, "We should have just used the jet," she complained.

We were about to argue but Annalie stopped us and looked at Miles, "Miles, please sail to the island, we need to help her," she pleaded. 

When we arrived, to our surprise it was Jelli and someone in an oversized robe, the hood covered the entire head. 

"It's Ron," Jelli told us. 

We helped them get into the ship. I had a feeling Ron had nothing beneath the robe. "Nice clothes, you look like a hobo now" Mally mockingly commented.

"I hate it, it's not orange," Ron bitterly replied.

"Don't worry, we had a feeling that we'd sea you," Annalie replied with a bit of smile on her

"Which reminds me, what were you doing here out in the sea?" Jelli asked.

"Athe sent us on a quest to Hepheo from the... Lepha class, they were the class of families that manufacturer the resources produced from the Hazes class," Mally explained, she turned to Annalie, "Did I get it right?" 

Annalie made a nod that made Mally geek out. 

"Wait... What took you so long? I mean it took us a day," Ron complained. 

"Well... We were taught by Athe to understand and speak Greek," Annalie explained, "Fun fact: she actually decided to teach us since she realized she didn't teach you two when you left, it took us a few days, then we set sail." 

"Plus we took a few stops for directions, which lead to a few incidents," Miles awkwardly added. I checked, rubbed my fingers to my wrist since in of our stops, we were imprisoned for some reason. My understanding was a little rough but I distinctively remembered that one of the guards planned to sell us as slaves.

Anyways, Ron changed into an orange toga below deck and wore the large overcoat over it. He somewhat gave the vibes of a greek pirate, all that was missing was his signature lightning blade shaped like a pirate's sword. The rest of us Also wore coloured togas, Miles was a light yellow, Annalie had light blue, Armando wore a dark grey, Mally had red, that mimicked her red jacket, her toga was thicker than the rest of us, and mine was green.

Jelli and Ron were at the side, admiring the sea breeze and open view. He spread his arms around, the winds coursed through him. I stepped in a bit closer. 

"Jelli, do you know the speedster?" Ron mumbled. 

For a moment, I saw Jelli froze, her hand were like strained and began to shake, she put it behind her, "Yeah, his name was Arian, he was a test tube puppet for the Ligs, part of Maria's plan..." Jelli replied, "Breed to take you down. They... we made sure that he had the powers to beat you, even drugged him to be more powerful, with the slight side effect of him being more impulsive and violent." 

"His powers... could he be my son?" Ron asked. 

Jelli trembled and froze again, from the side, I could see her face being worried or something the lines of being scared.

The same face I would make during and after I hanged out with the group.

Jelli gave a nod, "Ye....s", her voice cracked halfway into speaking. 

"Why didn't you tell me?" Ron questioned, his voice more heartbroken than surprised, he turned around and walked away. 

Jelli followed him, "Don't be so overdramatic, he just your clone with some of Maria's added!" Jelli complained. The whole group looked at them, eyes wide open. I quickly realized that this may be a sensitive topic for the two, so I stepped in and called the attention of the group, "Don't worry, they're just having one of their made-up fights to prepare them for their marital arguments," I shouted. The group bought it and continued on with what they did before.

Armando and Mally swept the floor. Miles steered the boat and Annalie rested her head to his shoulder. Ron and Jelli walked down the deck to continue their talk. As they descended to the stairs, Ron looked at me, he mouthed: Thank you.

I leaned down to the floor to hear their conversation.

"Why?!" The voice of Jelli screamed, "Because wouldn't you think it's terrifying to found out that you have beaten your eleven-month-old child and killed the mother in the same night! Plus when we are dating, wouldn't you think, it would be awkward to mention you having kid!"

"Yes! It would be terrifying but don't you think I deserve to know if a part of me was used!" Ron's voice argued, "That wouldn't stop me from loving you Jelane, I just wanted and deserved to know these kinds of things."

"You know I want to kick you right now," A voice told me, I turned around and saw Mally, her hands rested on her hips, "And you're making it a lot easy. Very tempting," She glanced at my butt.

I stood up and ran towards the Millie. Later on, the rest of us went for sightseeing. Ron and Jelli seemed okay now, Miles and Annalie were now beside them as they admired the seascape view. Mally took the wheels while Armando went for a nap below. 

"Watch out!" Mally screamed. And a much larger ship rammed into ours. Its occupants were probably pirates. One of them screamed something but judging from his tone it might be "loot them!" or "the ship is ours boys!"

We fought them with the lessons taught to us by Athe before we left.

And we managed to push them back. But before they left the ship, one of them took Jelli who was pushing people off the deck.

Ron took off his large robe and pursued them. The two ships weren't much farther away so we were able to see the fight. Ron managed to take out most of the pirates but one of them had pushed Jelli off the ship. At her feet were bags (probably something heavy). Jelli splashed into the sea, she tried to stay afloat but failed and sunk to the sea. Ron stood at the edge of the ship, all of us couldn't do anything, and even if we got to Jelli, it would have been to hard to pull Jelli out. Ron looked down, without any hesitation he dived into the pool. Miles and Annalie tried to rush to him but we pulled them back. We knew Ron's problem with water but there's nothing we could do, we didn't know how to swim on water this deep.

"I'm a swimmer!" Annalie desperately screamed, "Let me save them!"

After a few seconds later a large paw climbed on board our ship. And rose a large soaked brown bear. It flung Jelli to the deck. Mally was about to strike it but it growled that even made Mally scared. It turned around, let out a loud roar and blasted a large beam of electricity to the enemy ship.

The beam flickered in an orange glow. It then turned around and slowly morphed into a soaked Ron. 

"It was painful going there but all I could do is focus on you," He whispered to a passed out Jelli soaked in water and he slowly brushed her hair to the sides and kissed her forehead. He reached for his large robe and wore it. He carried Jelli to the infirmary below deck to heal. Later on, we met up there and we made him explain to us. At first, it was a fun story then went dark real quick. I could somewhat tell that he was hiding something. 

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