~ Chapter 014 ~

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Previously, on A Spark in Your Eyes...

As they continued to talk, Dabi attacking Hawks with his flames, he mentioned not caring for the league, only wanting to make Stain's wish a reality.

He did lie, in regards of not caring for the league, perhaps once he did not care, but lately he did, more than he wanted to admit, them becoming some sort of family to him.

Hours later, the fight had been moved directly at the hospital in Jaku, well, what remained of it.





At the HSPC Base of Operation, a guard had opened Yua's prison cell, grabbing her roughly and bringing her to the main door.

Yua's head was down, the woman boiling with rage.

She didn't blame most of the Heroes, she knew some of them were good and knew that Hawks had some sort of good intention about her getting captured, but not being fully informed had led to this.

Leading to Yua, captured for two months, where she couldn't use her Quirk or else the cuffs would shock her whole body, her being mocked every single day by the guards, being told how she was a disappointment to society.

"Look what you did whore" the guard said, grabbing her face and bringing it towards the TV, her seeing the fight that was happening at Jaku.

"If you told the police or heroes that you had contact with Dabi, this would be all prevented " he said in her ear, and before she could react, he slapped her, hard enough to make her fall to the floor.

"...cannot get any...kzzt closer..." the voice of the tv suddenly became static "...hard to make out...from this distance..."

Yua could only stare at the ground, eyes wide, trying to keep control of herself.

The static that filled her ears was suddenly gone, and she looked from in-between her hair at the tv, shocked to see a half naked Touya on the television, noticing the guard watching it too.

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