● Act Twelve - Just pals being gals ●

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- And that's basically it.

The storyteller exclaim with a half-smile.

- That's it? You met God they gave you some random dust. You decided to work on a strip club, and now we here? Nikki two plus two does not make five.

This young lady owns me so much to explain. How the fuck can she just stop the story like that?

- Well, there are a couple of things I should probably add, but I get a bit blushy when talking about her. And you know, sometimes I don't wish for people to see me as too vulnerable.

Nikki says while scratching her head.

Everyone stares at her for a couple of seconds before baffling exclaiming.

- Being vulnerable isn't bad.

- Yeah, what could be worse than the depression episode you just told us anyway?

- Don't worry none of us is in place to judge you.

" N i k k i,   y o u   j u s t   a d m i t t e d   b e i n g   a   w a r   c r i m i n a l.   I  c o u l d n ' t   f i n d   y o u  v u l n e r a b l e   e v e n   i f   I   w a n t e d   t o."

The room fell into a brief silence before Nikki continued her narrative.

Three years prior, but now with passion.

Nikki finds herself to be in the middle of the ocean. A smuggler ship rescued her from drowning while she was unconscious. She remained in the Captain's personal cabin, for this one was particularly intrigued by her beauty.

She had the chance to try exploring the place after waking up but, as soon she opens the door to the outside comes face to face with the owner of the bedroom.

I'm Begging - KarlNapIty (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now