Technology be Snitchin'

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Sienna's POV

"Look, I don't want to be the person that tries to sacrifice herself for the greater good," my tone was as irate as possible. Hugo chuckled, "And yet, here you are."

His hands were pretty much clenched and ready to block me if he needed. The balls on this guy to tell a royal what to do, honestly. I sighed. I wanted to let him know what I was planning, so that he didn't get into trouble, and so that I had back-up where I needed.

"I'm not going to die, Hugo. Don't be dramatic." I told him, my tone was measured. I didn't want a physical fight right now.

"You know very well that now that I know what you're planning, there is no way that I will let you do that."

"I was hoping that my honesty would help you help me prepare for this better. Seeing as I have embarrassingly low experience in the matter of infiltration."

He was clearly not amused by my banter.

"I would almost agree, but something about your attitude scares me." He admitted and that straightened me out. "Huh? What about it?"

"You're taking this too lightly. You keep working under the pretext that nothing will happen. That it's just an early dinner. That as long as you wear the sealer you will be fine-"

"But I will be!" I protested. Honestly, how could a meeting at the mayor's quarters be harmful in any way? "The odds-"

"The odds are in our favor, that is true."

"Exactly, so then-"

"But it's about the worth. You-"

"The worth? Why are you talking in circles?"

"I'm trying to make a point, if you wouldn't keep interrupting me, your highness." Hugo shot back, clearly annoyed and I frowned.

"You just used the 'highness' to get back at me." I pointed out, but otherwise waited for him to finish whatever he was dragging on about.

Hugo almost broke a smile, but then continued, "The worth of this endeavour, if things do go wrong. Is even a 1% risk worth this meeting? I hardly think that you will get anything out of it."

"But that girl-"

"There are always casualties, Sienna, it would be naive to assume that there wouldn't be collateral. Besides, we don't know for sure that she's hurting the girl in any way."

"You weren't there, Hugo. She was terrified. As terrified as Zia. She clearly had been forced into it and there is only one way you can make someone do something they don't want."

"Blackmail." Hugo finished for me and I nodded.

"So what you're asking me-"

"Telling you." I corrected, and Hugo raised a bushy eyebrow at me.

"What you're telling me, is that I have to go along with this because you're going to do it anyway?"

I nodded vigorously. So glad he got the point!

Hugo swore softly, "Why did I get stuck with the princess?" But there was a mirth to his tone.

I playfully whacked his arm, "Hey!"

"Alright alright. Since I have been given clear instructions to not make you feel trapped, I guess if I can't stop you, I will accompany you."

I fist pumped the air. "That's a good boy!" and then ruffled his hair for good measure. Nothing pisses off guys more than you ruffling their hair.

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