Her Guardian Angel

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Chapter Three.

"Do you mind if I sit?"

His head snapped back to finally catch a glimpse of the girl, who cant be taller than 5'2. A smile had reached his face as he let out a breathy, "Yeah".

 She was wearing the same dress as the day before, which happened to confuse him because it was the middle of October. Who in their right mind would wear a dress in the colder months of the year?

"You're here! I- I mean, yeah. Yeah, please sit." He stuttered out. Zayn never stuttered, he was always good when it came to talking to girls. Why was it now that he got all nervous around a pretty girl? 

She didn't seem to mind, though, because she just gave yet another soft smile and hopped up on the rock.

"I am here. You've been waiting for me."

"Uh, yeah. How did you know?"

The question was dumb. It really was, and he knew it too because his hand came up to scratch the back of his neck in nervousness.

"I mean, if the excitement in your voice when you said 'you're here', didn't give it away. I would say it was the continuous, 'I can't believe she hasn't shown up yet', or the, 'I wonder if she wants to see me again', that you've been saying for the past fifteen minutes now."

"I said that out loud?!"

"Yep. Pretty loud too because I could hear you as I was walking up to you."

"Wait. You've been here for the past fifteen minutes and you didn't say anything?"

"Don't think I'm creepy now, Zayn. You're the one who sat on a cold rock for so long waiting for a girl you don't even know."

Before Zayn could even begin to process what she had said, his mind struck on the use of his name. It flowed out of her mouth, almost as if she was meant to say it for the rest of her life. 

He would love to hear her say it for the rest of their lives. But how did she know it? He hadn't given her his name. He hadn't even spoken a word to her yesterday.

"You know my name? How do you know my name?"

"Calm down, Sparky. Everyone knows your name. Your father owns one of the biggest law firms the country has ever seen."

"Right. My father, he's quite a big deal, I guess."

"You sound bummed about that?"

"My father wants me to be exactly like him. Growing up, everyone was only friends with me because I come from a line of money. Or I was always this 'snobby rich kid'. No one ever saw me for who I really was, except for my bestfriend, Liam."

"I know that feeling."

"Your father is rich?"

"Nope, a dead beat. But everyone always liked me because of my appearance. And I was valedictorian my senior year, so loads of people used me as their decoy to do their homework."

"Oh, I'm sorry about your dad."

"Don't be. I'm happier than I've ever been before."

The conversation died down and Zayn took the time to look a little more closely at her appearance. To his surprise, there was much more to her than just her beauty.

There was pain.

She had tiny scars and burn marks up and down her arms and an extremely large gash that goes down her chest, though the fabric of her dress hides it so he can't see the exact damage on this poor girls body.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer."

"Just observing. It looks like someone did a number on you. I know we just met but, do you mind if I ask what happened."

The girl visibly tensed and winced at the question. Whatever was going on in her mind, Zayn wanted to know. He could help her. 

He could be her hero. 

He could be her guardian angel.

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