Haunt You

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Chapter Five.

All of the bones in Zayn's body went cold. He couldn't move. He couldn't speak. He couldn't breathe. He just stared at her. Everything he was feeling while she was telling the story came rushing right back. 

This is a joke. 

It has to be a joke. 

Some sick and twisted prank. 

And while he stared shocked at her face, a small smile formed with short giggles making their way through his ears.

"I'm just kidding, Zayn. Calm down. I'm Mercury."

Once the name came out of her mouth he very clearly relaxed. He could feel his heart finally begin to slow down and his mind came back to reality. Mercury had just been fucking with him, and though he didn't like the way that played out, he couldn't help but smile at the girl.

 She was well relaxed still keeping an eye on the ocean before them.

"You know, Mercury, Saylor is going to know about this little joke of yours and come back and haunt you."

"Oh, I'm so scared. Let's just hope she leaves the face alone, I don't want to be a troll."

Zayn and Mercury laugh as the conversation dies down for the second time that night.

As the time got to the later hours of the next morning, the two bid their goodbye's and away Zayn went to the small townhouse he calls his own, five minutes away.

 When Zayn left that morning he was in a rush, he woke up late and was running late for work, so it came to no surprise that all of his lights were on. What struck his attention though was the small crack between the door and the door frame letting him know someone had definitely gotten in. Because although he was in a hurry, Zayn never leaves without making sure his door is locked.

His heartrate picked up again as he silently made his way through the door. He had the police on speed dial in one hand and a silver candle stick holder in the other. He was never one for violence, he absolutely loathed it, but he was also not about to be a victim of a hate crime either.

There was movement being heard in his kitchen so when he rounded the corner and saw a tall brunette man standing there his heart dropped in the pit of his stomach. That is until he recognized the messy brown hair. He rolled his eyes and placed the items in his hand on his counter.

"Liam, how many times do I have to tell you, message me if you're going to come over. Especially when I'm not home."

"Sorry, mate. But to be fair, I have messaged you. Twice. Plus another twelve times in the past two weeks. You never respond. What's going on with you? And why were you out so late?"

"Nothing's wrong, I'm fine. I just haven't been on my phone lately. You know how law school can get, living up to my father's legacy isn't easy, especially when I want nothing to do with his specialty."

"He's still forcing you in to being a lawyer?"

"Just like he was. He told me that if I didn't do what he wanted then he'd stop paying the house payments. Li, I can't have that. I only get so much at the coffee shop, and that's not nearly enough to cover a months' rent plus food and utilities."

"I get that man, that's why you should move in with me. You know you're always welcome."

"I can't do that, not with you and Becca on and off. How is that going anyways?"

"We are off again. She told me she 'caught me' staring at some girl as we were in line at the shop. The girl was in front of us and I only looked at the top of her head because she had this weird fly on the back of her ear."

"Why don't you just dump her already? She's way too toxic."

"Because beneath all of the jealousy, I hold so much love for that girl, it's not even funny."

"Well then kudos to you for finding 'the one'."

"Okay, enough about my love life. What about you? Find anyone who lights up your world?"

"Not yet, but I did however, meet this girl. Her name is Mercury."

"Finally! I have been waiting for this since senior year. What's she like? Is she cute? Have you done anything. Details Zayn, I need details."

"Jesus Payno, you're like a teenage girl. She's nice, I guess. We didn't talk yesterday when we met but I went back to the beach today and waited for her. This girl showed up at ten pm on the dot. And no, asshole, we didn't 'do anything', we just talked."

"Okay, is she hot?"

"Fuck, mate give it a rest. We only saw each other once, I'm not going to ask her to marry me. But yes maybe she is a little cute."

Liam smirked at his friend, not only because of the girl situation. He noticed the small glint in his eyes as he talked about this Mercury girl. He hasn't seen his friend this happy to talk in months.

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