Angel in Disguise

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Chapter Six.

The day came and went, slowly. University classes all morning; then work with a bunch of narcissistic assholes who think that just because you're serving them means they can treat you however they may please. Zayn was just over the day. He was ready to go home and shower so he can make his way to the beach to meet Mercury.

They have been meeting up at the same time every night for the past week and Zayn couldn't be anymore enthralled. He's learned so much about her. Like how she's an only child and how her mother passed away when she was five due to a tragic case of depression.

 On top of that Zayn also spoke about himself; how he didn't want to be a lawyer but an artist instead and about his three sisters who he loves dearly. They have grown so close in the past nine days that it almost seems as if they've known each other for their whole lives.

Letting the hot water trickle down the back of Zayn's sticky hair, he grabbed his all in one shampoo bottle and began washing away the events of the day. His shift only ended at six plus an hour clean up time so Zayn didn't get home until eight that night. That meant he only had two hours until he could make his way down to the beach and sit on the now infamous rock. 

Their rock.

Zayn blushed out a smile at the thought of them having something together. Something they would cherish forever, even if they didn't last. He could always tell his kids that he met this amazing woman on a rock. Mercury has helped Zayn so much in the short time that she's known him, he's smiling a lot more. He and Liam are getting on better than when Zayn was deep beneath nothing. He's just been a better person, not only for her, but for himself as well.

To say Zayn has grown a bit of feelings for this girl is an understatement. Anytime he sees her cute face with her cute glasses laying softly on her small button nose his heart picks up in beating. The electricity he feels when he's around her, like gravity is pulling him more and more towards her. 

He loves how honest she is.

He loves her goofy personality and the fact that she always knows what to say when he's bitter. 

She's exactly what he is looking for.

However, he can't bring himself to ask her out. What if she says no? That would ruin the great friendship they've got going on.

 What if she says yes, but they don't last and end the relationship tragically? That would definitely ruin their friendship. 

But what if she says yes and everything works out perfectly?

They could grow old together. Have kids with each other. Tell their kids the magical story on how their dad met his angel in disguise.

His mind banters with itself thinking of all of the problems he could face if he asks this girl out. So for now he sticks with getting to know her.

 Maybe he will let her come to him? Who cares if it's the other way around. 

Topanga was the one to ask Cory to marry her? Everything turned out great with them. 

Then again this isn't some fairytale story where the guy ends up with the girl and they live happily ever after, this is real life.

As always, Zayn let the thoughts run free in his head as he dressed up into a white long sleeved shirt with black jeans. 

Instead of sitting inside watching reruns of friends, Zayn made his way down to the beach where he would find the empty rock, now decorated with fairy lights and blankets. They decided to put battery powered lights around the rock so they could perfectly see each other with the help of the natural lit moon, of course.

 It was the perfect set up for the pair, and actually, Mercury was the one to come up with the idea. Zayn just bought the lights.

He sat and waited the half hour it took her to get there before he heard the familiar giggle as she ran through a flock of pigeons. Her arms were out at her side, her hair flying in the wind, making it all seem like she was Rose at the front of the ship.

It was almost as if time slowed down when their eyes finally met, both smiles stretched as far as they could as she screamed his name and ran towards him.

It's the moments with Mercury that make him completely forget the world around him.

 He forgot about the crude customers.

 He forgot about his douchebag of a father.

And he forgot all about voice in the back of his mind making him do these rash decisions. When it was just Zayn and Mercury, the world stopped around them, making him never want to live his life without her.

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