Finding Mercury

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Chapter Eighteen.

As Zayn fell asleep that night he felt euphoria roaring right through his body, however, something didn't feel right. It felt like something was missing.

He didn't know what it was, but something was off. It could've been the fear of not locking his front door or it could've been the silent pestering of his mother to brush his teeth before hanging up the phone that night and not following through with it.

No one knew, but when he would wake up the next morning the feeling would only grow stronger until the time he would to meet up with Mercury.

An when she didn't show, all of the feeling of panic came in to place. Something was wrong with his girl. Something had been wrong with his girl since midnight last night and he is only just now figuring it out.

So, without a second thought, Zayn ran all the way to Liam's house, yet again banging his door down until a sleepy Liam appeared in the doorway.

He was in grey sweatpants and a white t-shirt and his left hand sat rubbing his eye while his right was holding the door knob.

Zayn, being in the frantic state he's in right now, pushed past Liam nearly screaming.

"Something's wrong with her. Something bad happened to Mercury."

"Mate, what are you on about?"

"When I went to bed last night, I had this gut feeling that something was off. It carried on all day today up until I had to go meet Mercury on the rocks and she didn't show. She didn't show, Li. And that gut feeling came back ten times as strong. Something has happened to her, man. I have to find her! I have to find, Mercury!"

He spoke out in a panic. It was nearing eleven at night and Liam was half awake trying to process what his best friend was saying.

"Something happened to Mercury?"

"Yes! You have to believe me, Li. You have to!"

"Alright, alright, I believe you. When was the last time you spoke with her?"

"Last night, after the Arts Festival. She was talking about how her job to make me happy was done. Then I asked her if she was leaving and she said no. Or she didn't actually say no, but she said she would always be by my side. Oh my god Liam, what if she left me?! I don't want to go back to my life without her!"

"Slow down, Zayn. You have to breathe. I'm sure she's fine, she's probably just busy tonight."

"Liam, you didn't see the look in her face when she said she would always be by my side. She looked almost sorrowful, I didn't question it at the time but it makes total sense now. How could she leave me? We kissed! We kissed and then she left."

"Wait, hold up? You two kissed? Way to go man."

Zayn gave Liam a look of desperation. Now is not the time, Mercury had left him. Or maybe her father or ex boyfriend found her and threatened her to go back with them and last night was her final goodbye.

"Sorry, that was totally inappropriate. Okay, what's her last name? We'll look her up."

"I- I don't know. We never discussed it."

"Address? We could go there and see if she's okay."

Zayn yet again looked disappointed, Liam rolled his eyes, this was useless. They would never find her.

"Okay fine, give me a description of her and we can go from there."

"Uhm, she has bright red hair, green eyes.

Wait! My painting, do you remember my painting? Hold on I have a picture of it."

Zayn got out his phone in a rush and pulled up the picture of his painting. Liam looked at it for a few minutes.

The girl looked familiar, almost as if he's seen her around somewhere.

That's when he thought back to all of the events that happened in the past few months.

Finally realizing, his face paled, leaving Zayn with a question look on his face.

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