My Hero

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Chapter Fourteen.

The early November wind races past Zayn's face as he ran, making him shiver, but he didn't mind because he couldn't wait to tell his girl the amazing news he just got. 

Seeing as it's ten - eleven, Mercury is already there, sitting and waiting for Zayn to show up. Upon seeing her his smile widens and his pace quickens.

"Merc! Merc. I did it! Baby, I did it. My portrait is going to be in this years Arts Festival. They are holding a competition and I got my painting entered into it. Can you believe it? You have to go! You have to be there and see my painting. And you'll get to meet Liam. And before you say no, it's a mile down the beach and it starts at nine. That's only an hour before you like to come out here anyways. Mercury please tell me you'll be there!"

Zayn rushes out as he meets her at the rock. His painting of her was finally entered after a two week pending wait. People are going to see his art. 

Even if he doesn't win the competition, people will still see his art. 

Henry Dallas, one of the biggest art museum owners, will be there observing every piece in the competition.

"I would love to be there, Zayn. I just don't know how possible it would be. When is it?"

"In two days. Why won't it be possible? Love, you have to be there. It could be the start of my career."

"And I am so proud of you. But I don't really do big crowds."

"You were a cheerleader. And valedictorian. You literally stood up in front of hundreds of people and gave a sappy speech about what you were going to do after high school. Merc, please."

"I will try. No promises though."

That's all the answer he needed before he ran up to her and engulfed her in a huge hug. Again, noticing the freezing feel of her skin. 

Zayn had furrowed his brows in confusion before taking his hoodie off and handing it to her. He had no idea why she wore the same dress every day, if you asked him, it was quite gross and unsanitary. But he never judged her.

Maybe she went home every night and washed it before wearing it the next day.

"I'm not taking this, Zayn."

"You are cold. Freezing even. Why do you wear the same dress everyday?"

"It's my favorite dress? I don't know."

"Okay, well at least take the jumper so I know you're somewhat warm when I go home tonight."

"Thank you. My hero."

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