The Great Beyond

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Chapter Eight.

That night Zayn couldn't sleep. He was tossing and turning, unable to get comfortable. The words she spoke daunting his every move.

This will only make sense if you believe in the great beyond?

What the hell does that mean? The great beyond.

 Like feelings? Whether he believes this is all real or not?

 Of course it was real. There is absolutely no way this is a dream, because then why hadn't he woken up yet? 

He just wished she would tell him what she meant, just once. This is all just confusing him even more. And believe he would get better?

He is better. 

She makes him better!

Does she not see that? Does she not see the greatness she's doing to him. Ever since he's met her, Zayn strives to be a better person. He's finally finding his place in the world. 

He is finally becoming the man he once was and more. Zayn is stronger than he once was a week ago, that's all because of her. She's his greatness.

Without another thought, Zayn gets up and puts on a shirt and walks into the room. The room that hasn't been touched in over two months. The room he keeps locked so not even a second soul can see what's beyond the walls. The room he keeps all of his talent. His art room.

Paint covering every part of his dull white walls. 

Tarp on the floor so not a splotch of paint can ruin his new carpet.

 A huge easel is standing right in front of the window that outlooks the beach.

This was once his safe space, but as soon as he began losing himself, he lost everything that came with him.



Everything he once was.

Stepping back into this room was like a breath of fresh air. He was finally able to breathe again.

Looking around, Zayn miraculously found a blank canvas hidden in the back right corner of the room and placed it on the easel. 

At first he didn't know what he was doing, he just let his hands work the pencil around the fabric unknowingly. But soon enough he recognized the pattern he was making. The slight curves mixed with ones that shaped the outline tremendously; Zayn found peace with making this picture. That's because he found peace with anything that involved the girl of his dreams.

He was drawing a portrait of, Mercury.

And now that he has an idea in mind of what he is doing, Zayn sets off with the soft pinks and yellows to make sure this is the best painting he's ever done.

Finding Mercury// Z.MDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora