Spiritual Waves

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Chapter Seven.

Mercury was laying down on the pile of blankets with Zayn next to her in an upright position holding his knees.

 He never did understand why Mercury would wait till the odd hours of the night to come down to the beach just to sit and watch the waves. It seemed boring to him. To do the same thing everyday.

It makes him wonder, how many nights has she been out here all alone? 

How many nights has she cried while watching the waves banter around with each other, all because her father makes her feel useless? 

Just thinking of her being out here alone, tears running down her face, cracks his heart.


Her eyes were closed but she let out a small hum to urge him to continue.

"Do you ever think it's dangerous how you're out here alone at night?"

"I'm not alone. I have you."

"I mean before you met me."

"I still wasn't alone, Zayn-"

Part of him feels disappointed at her response. 

Was there another guy she would bring to this spot? 

Was that why she loved it so much? 

He couldn't bare to share the same spot with her and another guy.

"I have the spiritual waves to keep me company."

"Spiritual waves?"

"I don't really understand the meaning of it either. But when I'm at the beach. I feel safe. I also feel more connected with my mom, she loved the beach. We would come here everyday and listen to the waves, at least from what I can remember. It's like she was looking down on me every time I came here."

"Okay, and what about us?"

"What about us?"

"You came up to me out of nowhere and asked to sit with me. Shouldn't you like, be scared of me or something?"

"Should I be scared of you, Zayn?"

"Well no, but just the idea of a random man sitting alone in the dark. That's sketchy."

"You're getting in your head again. Look, that night I walked up to you, I had no doubt in my mind that you would do anything. Plus, you're the one who called me here."

"I called you here? Mercury, what in the world are you even talking about?"

"Zayn, listen to me. This whole thing will only make sense if you believe in the great beyond. If you believe that one day you'll get better."

"The great beyond, what? Merc-"

"With all do respect, Malik, be quiet and enjoy the night before it's all over." 

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