Future Waiting to Happen

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Chapter Four.

The pair sat in silence for the next five minutes. Zayn could almost see the wheels spinning in her head, deciding whether or not to tell him why she was so bruised up.

 Was it her father? She had said he was a dead beat. But would he really go as far as to hitting such a beautiful soul?

"The world is a shitty place, Zayn. With a shitty place, comes shitty people. Shitty people do shitty things. There's not much more to it. Plus, why would I worry about what happened in the past when I'm living my best life here in the future?"

"You mean the present?"


"You said you were living your best life in the future. But the future is really just the present."

"Some people may see it like that, even I saw it it like that way back when. But in the past four years I've learned different. You see, Zayn, every minute you live was once the future waiting to happen. Every minute you're waiting to live out, is in fact the future because it hasn't yet happened. You never know what's going to happen in the future minutes to come.

I mean, one minute you could be cooking a nice meal for your significant other to come home to and then the next you're lying on the ground in a puddle of your own blood. Silently hoping and praying someone finds you in time before everything around you stops and your eyes close."

"Well that was deep. Where did that even come from?"

"I read an article about a girl named, Saylor. This was a really big case four years ago.

Her boyfriend was severely abusive towards her. He would hit her, kick her, punch her, even went as far as to cutting her a few times. One night he found her diary at the bottom of her dresser drawer, he read through about how unhappy she was. How she would rather die than to be stuck in that house with such a demon for another minute. So, the next day he went to work and while she was at home, not realizing the events that were about to take place, she lived out the last twelve hours of her life cooking his favorite meal, just to please him. That's when he came home and took the knife she was using to cut onions and killed her.

she was hit with that knife well over fifteen times. He got away. Still hasn't been caught to this day. He's out there, roaming the streets, living his best life, as if he hadn't killed an innocent girl four years prior.

 So that, Zayn, is why I say I'm living in the future. Because when something tragic is happening in the present, you just want it to be over with, you want the future to come and take you away."

"Oh my god. Why would he do something like that? Who would do something like that? Why isn't anyone doing anything to catch this guy?!"

The questions roared right out of Zayn, his mind still trying to process what this girl had just told him. What kind of low life wakes up one morning, not only to lay hands on a girl, but to end her life all in one go?

"Who knows. The case grew cold after a year. They say the man ran away after that, not a trace left behind. She was only twenty. So much to live for. So much to do."

"I've never heard about that. I was eighteen when that happened, I have sisters! What if that happened to them. Oh god."

"Zayn, it's fine. I'm sure she's out there somewhere planning her revenge. Plus, I'm sure your sisters will be fine. They have an amazing big brother rooting for them. That's something Saylor never had."

"Yeah, no you're right. Of course you're right. I'd never let that happen to them."

She finally looked at his widened eyes and he seemed to ease down a little bit. She really didn't mean to scare him, she just wanted him to know why she thinks the way she does.

"So uh, moving on.  You know my name. What's yours?"


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