Spirit Walking in the Wind

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Chapter Seventeen.

Liam didn't put me up to this.

You did.

He did? 

Zayn put her up to this? 

How could he have possibly put her up to this, he didn't even know her? If he wasn't confused by her before, he surely was now.

"W-what do you mean, I put you up to this? I didn't put you up to this? How could I have possibly put you up to this?"

Zayn bantered out quickly. He was now stood up from the rock pacing back and forth with his hands in his hair. There was absolutely no way, whatever she was saying, was real.

"Hey, Zayn? Calm down, love. You're freaking out. Let me explain."

"Explain?! Really, now you want to explain? What is there to explain Mercury?! For the past month, everything you've said made zero sense. For the past god damn month I have asked you to tell me what you meant. What the fuck is going on, Merc. This is really starting to freak me out."

"Nothing ever makes sense in the real world. Everything that happens is just meant to be. You were struggling. Struggling to the point where you were about to make the same mistake my mother made. I saw it in your eyes the first time you looked at me. The pain. The emptiness. You weren't the man you are today. You weren't anything but a spirit walking in the wind. I couldn't let the people around you go through what I went through growing up. The constant feel of 'I could've done better' or, 'I should have seen how much pain he was in'. I couldn't let you go through what my mom went through. I wanted you safe and happy. And that's what you are right? You're happy? You told me so."

"Yes I am happy. As happy as one could be, I guess."

"See, then I did my job."

"You're not leaving now are you?"

"I wouldn't say leaving, cause I'll always be by your side."

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