Thou shall accept me

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Chapter 36: Thou shall accept me

"Woah...what happened?" Shona commented an hour after her and Lucy's argument. Snape had allowed for her to sit in his quarters because she still looked like she was going to rip someone's throat out until now. She blinked a couple of times before staring at Snape. "Where's Lucy?"

"She's run off," Snape replied a little gloomily, he opened up his palm and stared at Lucy's necklace.

"A-Aren't you going to go find her? She's your daughter for crying out loud!"

"McGuire, I think we need to make a few things clear before we go any further - " and so Sape explained what had happened in the potions lesson and now Shona had violently shoved Lucy over his desk, causing a few shards of glass to embed in her skin, as well as all the other violence that has taken place. Shona looked horrified

"But I would never do something like that! Is this what your sick twisted mind thinks up to break me and Lucy's sarcastic friendship, Stephano?"

"Stephano, another nickname, how pleasing..." Snape rolled his eyes. "But unfortunately, such events took place. It was the orbs fault and to top that off Lucy tore off her necklace and vowed to not defeat Lord Zuc..."

"Oh...perhaps I pushed her too far when we were talking about it back at my house in the Christmas holidays..."

"No, it wasn't that. It was the orb, It controlled you for a while. You said yourself that you don't remember what happened."

"I suppose so," Shona nodded. "Can we go find Lucy at least?"

"Of course we - "

"She owes me an apology for trying to kill me."

*      *      *

"OK, Miss Snape, I think that's bandaged you up enough." Madam Pomfrey smiled as she finished tying up the bandages up on Lucy's arms. Unfortunately (for some reason) she could not heal the wounds with magic and could only remove some of the glass from her arm. "I think you're doing this well with visiting the Hospital wing, I can remember when you were a more regular patient. I've almost missed your company here."

"Thank you for your time, I just wish I knew how I got this glass in my arms. One minute I was in the potions classroom just taking notes from what Shona was saying and the next I was in the middle of the main corridor staring out the window."

"Oh, well, If you need any more help you can always find me."

Just as Lucy was about to get up from the chair she was sitting on, Snape and Shona burst in the room. Snap walked towards Lucy and Madam Pomfrey with a concerned look on his face, like he always had when Lucy was hurt.

"Is she OK? Has she flipped out at you at all?" Snape questioned quickly.

"She's fine, just had to remove a few shards of glass from her arms that she's not sure as to how they got there and then bandage her up. For some strange reason I can't heal the cuts on her arms but I'm positive they will heal normally." Madam Pomfey smiled as Lucy stood up, rolled her sleeves down and slipped her robe on.

"Oi! Lucky!" Shona called from the entrance of the hospital wing. "Stephano has informed me that - "

"Stephano?" Lucy repeated with a confused look on her face.

"Snivels was getting old," Shona waved the comment aside. "Stephano said that you insulted me and tried to batter me with a broom!"

Snape whispered in her ear. "She insulted you for being single, threw potions vials at you, almost strangled you and shoved you over my desk. That's why you has the glass shards in your arms because of the broken picture frames."

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