Merlin and Sebastian's song

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Chapter 28: Merlin and Sebastian's song 

"Eight things," Lucy whispered to herself. "Eight little things I promised dad I would do." 

It was a terribly cold day at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardy, everyone had kept themselves inside to avoid getting hypothermia. Lucy had decided to keep herself indoors all day (apart from when she had to go to her next lesson) to avoid the horrible weather. Yet, everywhere she went now she felt she was being an unsociable was as though she was detaching herself from the world and becoming a shadow. 

Seeing as Shona had been put in a permanant detention, Snape had been fired, the old WA and DA members wouldn't even dare look at her, Harry didn't seem in a talkative mood and as for Fred...he seemed to not be around anymore...

Well, she had Jessica who was more than willing than she knew to help...but it didn't feel right to share her problem's with her father's ex-girlfriend who was head of the so called 'Resistance.' Even if Snape had encouraged her to talk to her if she needed help. 

So, as Lucy had no one to engage conversation with today she had decided to venture off into one of the empty classrooms of Hogwarts...there were few objects in the room, a fake knight and a chair in the middle of the room in which Lucy was sitting on with Merlin's sword rested on her lap. 

"Eight things," Lucy prepared to herself once again. "Count them," she hissed the words through gritted teeth as though she was biting into each word, showing her frustration. "One, be brave. Two don't cry. Three, speak with Jessica. Four, carry out any duties related to Zuc. Five, study for the O.W.L.S. Six, write to dad every day. Seven, stay with Shona and eight...practice sword fighting." 

Lucy stared at the knight stationed directly opposite her and held Merlin's sword tightly in her pale hand. She stood up and approached the knight and then without warning, swung her sword. The sword made contact with the metal and a massive 'clang' rang around the room and rattled her eardrums. 

She stared at the knight's shoulder and it had received a scratch from the sword she was using. It seemed like a pretty impressive scratch but would it really finish off a real knight when the time came? Obviously not. 

Lucy became suddenly frozen. 

When the time came. 

No, she couldn't fool herself any longer. 

Zuc would one day be able to get over to England and hunt her down and snatch her. He would drag her to the medieval islands and demand the whereabouts of the orb. If he didn't do that, he'd bring all his troops and kill every last man and woman until he had the was that simple. Zuc couldn't care less if he walked out the entire population of England. All he needed was the orb. 

"Calm down," Lucy told herself flatly and clutched the sword tightly, as though showing it her frustration. "It's not going to happen, it's just your imagination." 

"You wish," a voice in the back of her head said. 

Lucy sighed and then her sword made contact with the knight's helmet, it didn't knock it off instead it made a dull and hollow clanging sound. She attacked the knight several times, the same clanging sound filled the room. It seemed to get louder over the short period of time. Lucy's expression turned from sadness and frustration to anger and hate as she chopped off the knight's arm and it fell to the floor. 

And that's when she heard voices. 

She halted with the sword above her head. Her heart pounded loudly and she knew that now she was really done for. Umbridge must have heard her sword fighting and was about to enter the classroom and put her in a permanent detention with Shona and confiscate Merlin's sword for good. 

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