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Chapter 11: Protection

"You better head off now, Lucy," Snape said later that night after all lessons were finished. "The quicker you're there, the sooner it will end." 

"Alright, I'll go. Wish me luck," she groaned. She waved goodbye to Snape and Shona and dreaded the detention more than she dreaded Snape and Shona fighting when she was gone. 

Lucy climbed up the stairs to the defense against the dark arts classroom, took a deep breath then knocked on the door weakly. She could do this. 

"Come in!" The annoying voice from Umbridge squeaked from inside the room. 

She placed her hand on the handle firmly and pushed down carefully and she was almost blinded with pink; the walls were pink, the decorations were pink and so was Umbridge. Lucy's favourite colour was pink but even she couldn't stand this much and she also liked cats but the pictures of cat's on the wall were starting to scare her a little. 

"Good evening, Miss Snape, it was good of you to turn up." Umbridge smiled, trying to be nice but Lucy knew that she was going to torture her every time they had defense against the dark arts. "You're going to be writing lines for me today — " Umbridge gestured to the desk positioned next to hers. 

Lucy sat down gingerly and looked at the parchment waiting for her, she rummaged through her bag and had just placed her hand on one of her quills when Umbridge stood up and placed one on the parchment for her. "Oh no, dear, you'll be using one of my quills today." 

"Can I have some ink, please? I knocked mine over earlier and I sort of need some more..." Lucy asked, she was toast now. Umbridge would keep her in her pink room longer than Lucy wished to be there. 

"You won't be needing ink. Now, you're going to write 'I will not be rude to teachers when I know Lord Zuc is not real,' I would like this written one hundred times." 

"But — " 

"If you refuse to do so, I will give you a week's worth of detentions." 


Umbridge sat back down at her desk and Lucy took another deep breath, she had to keep calm. Lucy placed her quill on the parchment and began to write her lines. 

'I-will-not-be-rude-to-teachers-when-I-know-Lord-Zuc-is-not-real,' Lucy thought as she wrote and to her surprise the quill showed up on the paper even though she didn't have any ink. She continued writing and tried to annoy the pain in her hand, the sooner she got this done the sooner she could get out...

But by the time she was on her twenty-fifth line she couldn't take it anymore, she pulled up her sleeve and almost fell off her chair at the thing on her hand: I will not be rude to teachers when I know Lord Zuc is not real.

Whatever she wrote with this quill would appear on her hand, it would be written in her own blood. That's why she didn't need ink. 

"Good evening, Dolores," Fiona Wave smiled as she walked into Umbridge's office. She glanced at Lucy and then her hand, she then looked at Umrbridge again. 

"Yes, Miss Wave?" Umbridge asked. 

"Professor Dumbledore requests to see Miss Snape." 

"I'm afraid that will have to wait because Miss Snape is in detention." Umbridge smiled, Lucy growled under her breath threatingly although Umbridge couldn't hear.

"No!" Fiona yelled and Umbridge gave her a look. "It's urgent. She has to come now." 

"It cannot be that urgent, as the girl has landed herself in detention she must serve it."

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