Going Underground

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Chapter 5: Going Underground

Dear Lucy 

My goodness! I've heard that you've been expelled from Hogwarts, that's terrible! But I don't think you'll be expelled for long, you know? I'm sure you'll be let off because after all, you were protecting yourself. Anyway, good news! I've got myself a job! I work as a private dressmaker and seeing as I know your birthday is around this time (forgive me if I've missed it) I have sent you some robes. They're made out of the finest material, treat them with care! Perhaps you can wear them to your hearing? You've got to look smart after all. 

I hope to see you soon, Lucy. 

Lots of love 

Anastasia x

"So, she sent you robes for your hearing?" Snape asked as he peered over Lucy's shoulder. 

"It was kind of her...her job seems interesting too," Lucy replied weakly, placing the letter down and picking up the robes that Anastasia had made her. There was a black coat that was fastened with gold buttons, a black pencil skirt, a cape (rather like Snape's) and Anastasia had even thrown in a pair of knee high leather boots. It was all simply breathtaking. "She seems to have been inspired by bats though, which doesn't make me feel any better." 

"I don't suppose it does, but at least you'll look a little more mature." 

"Thanks, dad..." 

"It's true though, you were going to show up in jeans and those old shoes of yours. Do you really think you would get out of that place alive if you weren't dressed for the occasion?" 

"Not really but I still stand some sort of chance," Lucy said trying to convince herself more than anyone. "At least I hope I do." 

"I'm sure you will do, after all, they have to give you a fair trial even if they don't want to..." Snape's voice trailed off. "Are you really sure about that knight?" 

"Of course I'm sure, and I know for a fact that it was from the medieval islands, nothing like that  would be made by Lord Voldemort..." 

"Well, you never know with him. But, like you've said I'm pretty sure it came from the medevial islands." 

"Great, wonder what else Lord Zuc is going to attack me with..." 

Later on Lucy trailed off to bed, Angus trotting behind her. When she entered her room, she dropped the outfit that Anastasia had sent her on the floor, kicked her bedside table and sat on her bed with her face in her palms. 

Her life was practically falling apart, nobody would understand her and nobody seemed to want to talk to her, it was as though she was an outcast again just like when she was with James Potters' brother. 

"Why me..." she whispered to herself, as I tear fell from the corner of her eye. She laid down on her bed, closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep. 

Little did she know, the ghost of her mother stood in the corner of her room, watching over her. 

*      *      * 

The next day, Lucy was dressed in the outfit that Anastasia had given her and was sitting at the kitchen table in the Order of the Phoenix headquarters; she was absolutely terrified. 

Snape sat nervously by her side, he really didn't want to have his daughter going to Azkaban. Everyone else was busying them self with cleaning up the house, apart from Arthur Weasley and Fred Weasley who sat opposite Lucy and Snape. 

"I'm sure you'll both get out of there fine," Arthur smiled as he moved one of his chess pieces and one of Fred's was knocked off of the board. "Besides, you can't go to Azkaban! You're too young to go there anyway!" 

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