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Chapter 27: Deals

That night, Lucy had a nightmare. Snape was sat on the train, heading back towards London. He wasn't even reading the Prophet, he was just sat there with one hand resting in his lap and the other lent on the small ledge by the window, clutching his head at the same time. It seemed as though he had some terrible headache and it refused to leave him be. 

The hand resting on his lap was not covered by the usual sleeve, the sleeve was rolled up and there sat a tattoo upon his forearm. Although, it wasn't really a tattoo, yet it was etched into his skin like one. It was a picture of a skull with a snake coiling around it forming some sort of pattern, it could be considered art if the true meaning wasn't so menacing. The picture seemed to pulse like it held some sort of strength and was desperately calling for Snape's attention, but it failed to get any. 

Lucy watched anxiously as the place seemed to get darker, as though dementors were about to come along and attack Snape. But Lucy sensed that something much worse than dementors was about to occur.

Snape didn't seem to notice the changing atmosphere, instead he closed his eyes and drifted off slightly. For a moment it seemed like Lucy was there with Snape, she turned towards the door and saw Zuc. Zuc was silent but not still, he opened the carriage door and stepped inside. 

He then, after what felt like a lifetime of silence, grabbed hold of Snape and threw him on the ground. Blood spattered everywhere as he was stabbed repetitively. Lucy tried to grab hold of Zuc and pull him away but she couldn't; it was as though she was a ghost. 

When Zuc moved away Lucy saw Snape on the floor, his face covered in blood. His eyes stared straight ahead and showed no life. There was nothing left of him except his body which was a reminder that he had actually been alive. 

Lucy's eyes snapped open and she stared at her ceiling. She couldn't comprehend what had just happened but dismissed it quickly; she couldn't ponder over something which was certainly fake...

"Just a dream," Lucy snapped at herself through gritted teeth and repeated the phrase over and over as she got changed into her school uniform. "Just a dream." She confirmed finally as she pinned her prefects badge to her chest. 

"Lucy! You've got to get down to the great hall!" Jessica called from outside her bedroom door. 

"I know! I'm just coming!" Lucy lied as she sat down on her bed and held Merlin's sword in her hands.   She stared at the hilt and then whispered. "I won't fail you, dad."

"Lucy!" Jessica prompted. Lucy frowned; Jessica nagged more than Snape ever did. 

Lucy stood up, shoved Merlin's sword under her bed and opened her door where she found Jessica standing there. She smiled at her and Lucy tried to smile back but it was as though all the muscles had stopped working in her face...or she just couldn't be bothered to smile. As though she only saved them for Snape and when she was truly happy.

"You have potions first," Jessica said happily as she pointed to Lucy's time table; Jessica looked very excited to be teaching her very first lesson, which although Lucy would rather her teach it than anyone else, she felt like an intruder in her father's place. 

"Are you still under the alias of Miss Wave?"

"Indeed, I don't need anyone to know who I am yet...unless Shona has let it slip..."

"Shona hasn't let it slip, I can promise you." Lucy nodded, took her timetable from Jessica (well, almost snatched it) and then headed towards the door. "I'm going to go down to the great hall and come straight back here when I'm done; the Slytherin prefects are patrolling the corridors today. The Gryffindors get a day off." 

Lucy Snape and the Wizarding Army (Book Five)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon