United we stand, divided we fall

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Chapter 32: United we stand, divided we fall

If you had crept around Hogwarts at this hour on Friday, you probably would have seen the occasional ghost float by or see a student who was un-willing to learn skip classes. But no fifth year could dream about skipping lessons now...not when it was one of the most crucial parts of their life taking place in the great hall. If you were a fifth year and you were skipping lessons, then you were a fool. A fool who would never be able to get a job...unless of course you got a job in the muggle world. Even then, you need muggle grades which most young witches and wizards assumed to be the equivalent of O.W.Ls. Except there was no magic, nor wands, nor anything to do with wizard subjects. 

But right now in the great hall, all fifth year students were grinding their teeth and biting their nails and making their brains hurt as they tried so desperately to complete their final O.W.L paper. And with a large clock ticking away the precious time, they had to think fast and ignore their long awaited freedom that they all felt was non-existent after all the studying they had endured. 

Roughly, in the middle of the hall, sat an anxious Shona McGuire who wished desperately that she had paid more attention in lessons...that's what you wish Shona was thinking. She was actually thinking back to second years lessons and wishing she had given Gilderoy Lockhart an even worse time than she had as well as Snape in general. At the same time, she was trying to complete her paper. 

Nearing the back sat a nervous Lucy Snape who was not only looking back in her test paper but also her memory for anymore information that could help her achieve a higher grade. She was aiming for an 'Outstanding' on everything, but could just about tolerate 'Exceeds Expectations.' If she got anything lower she would be mortified. 

'Hey,' Shona's voice rattled through Lucy's brain, making her flinch. 'Can you help me, Lucky?' 

'Shona, this is a test, not a "I don't know the answer lets ask Lucy class!"' Lucy snapped back in her mind impatiently. 

'I'd ace in that class...please help me!' 

'No, we're technically breaking the rules right now, I am not going to fail because of you!' 

'Aww, come on! Nobody can hear us! Watch — DOLORES UMBRIDGE IS A BIG FAT TOAD!' Shona thought loudly and then looked either side of her and no-one reacted. 'See what I mean? If I'd actually yelled that, my test paper would have been ripped up and the woman in pink up there would have — ' 

'Lovely. Now, keep your thoughts to yourself — literally — and get on with your own work. I don't expect to hear a peep out of you until the test is over.' 

'I am so stealing your bag when this is over.' 


'Fine, fine. McGuire, over and out.' 

Lucy breathed a silent sigh of relief and had just dipped her quill in her ink when she heard Shona's voice in her head again: 

'What's the answer to question three?' 

Lucy thought back some colourful words and Shona was stunned for a moment. 

'OK, thanks for the help, bye!' 

*      *      * 

"Got your bag!" Shona yelled as they collected their bags after the test was over and ran into the school grounds to enjoy their long awaited — and deserved — freedom.

"Give it back!" Lucy growled as she chased after Shona. "Why is it you pick on me?" 

"Because you're short, NOW COME GET IT, SHORTIE!" 

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