Educational Decrees

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Chapter 14: Educational Decrees

"So we're going to need a place to hold this Dumbledore's/Wizarding Army, right?" Lucy asked Harry after everyone had cleared out of the Hog's head which just left them two. 

"Well, yes, but it's got to be somewhere where Umbridge will never find us. She'll go mental if she sees what we're doing," Harry nodded eagerly and drummed his fingers impatiently on the table. 

"The shrieking shack!" Lucy slammed her fist down on the table. 

"It's too small..." 

"The forbidden forest!" 

"Not bloody likey!" 

" abandoned classroom!" 

"Umbridge would catch us in a heart beat..." 

"What about if we put a charm on the door so we were the only one's who could go in and out? Or just lock it with a simple charm?" 

"I like your thinking but it's still too risky." 

"I have no more ideas then," Lucy shook her head. "You got any?" 

"Not at all, I was thinking about an abandoned classroom like you but the more I think about it the more impossible it seems to use." 

"I guess we'll have to ask the others, see if they've got any other ideas." She slipped on her coat and stood up. The two exited the Hog's head and were then brought out into the surroundings of Hogsmeade, where it was almost empty. 

They walked back up to school together, ignoring the carriages they could of taken, and up the steps to Hogwarts. Lucy kept her coat on but Harry took it off and the first thing that caught their eyes was a couple of framed pieces of parchment, hanging outside the great hall. In fact, Filch was even hanging a new one up as they stepped forwards. 

"What the — ?" Lucy asked. 

"Educational decrees, Miss," Filch laughed as he hammered the little frame into place. "On Umbridge's orders." 

"Educational decrees! Wait, what are educational decrees?" 

"The Ministry laws to set or modify standards at Hogwarts," Harry said, Lucy walked forward to the nearest frame and read aloud: 

"Dolores Jane Umbridge has been appointed to the post of Hogwarts high inquisitor — oh dear god..." 

"Educational decree number 23!" Filch smiled proudly, then he gestured to the one he was hanging up. "Educational decree number 68: all student organisations are hence fourth disbanded any student in noncompliance will be expelled." 

"Well that's just great," Harry muttered in Lucy's ear. 

"Um — Mr Filch?" Lucy asked sweetly and Filch stopped hammering in an Educational Decree and faced her. "Does that mean Quidditch is banned too?" 

"It might well mean that, so you two better run along and remember not to start any club because you'll be expelled...oh how your father would be disappointed if he found out that you'd been expelled," Filch laughed at Lucy. 

Harry and Lucy took off as quickly as they could to the common room and when Filch was out of earshot Lucy stopped dead in front of Harry causing him to stop. 

"We have to tell the others that we can't do it." 

"Do what?" Harry frowned. 

"The Wizarding Army, Dumbledore's Army whatever you want to call it. We can't do it. We'll all get expelled. All of us, every single member. Do you really want that to happen? Besides we can't think of anywhere to hold it so what do we do?" 

Lucy Snape and the Wizarding Army (Book Five)Where stories live. Discover now