The Trial

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Chapter 6: The Trial 

There was no escaping now. All the jury and judges were facing here in a vast circle, impending eyes and cold faces freezing her to the spot, it was only when the judge called her did she shudder forwards. The judge was old and wrinkly, so much so you could have mistaken him for an old hat. His glasses sank into his skin as the hazy hazel coloured eyes looked into her, analysed her, and scanned her for confidence. There was none.

“Sit,” the low voice of the judge said and Lucy took the seat dead in the middle. The judge’s accomplices kept their eyes in her; there wasn’t one time she wasn’t watched, the slightest movements making them all stare. The judge put some sheets together before continuing.

“Miss Lucy Eileen Snape, daughter of Severus Snape and Lily Jane Potter, no certificate of marriage…”

“Yes,” Lucy said quickly but soon realised the judge was merely calling out the case. She shrunk and felt red as he grabbed the sides of the stand and leant down to look into her. The fall was so steep he could fall to death and his voice echoed dangerously.

“Would the prosecuted not speak during legal requirements of the court,” he boomed and stared at her. When Lucy didn’t do anything he returned back to his position like a gargoyle back onto his perch.

“The accused has been found guilty of summering magic and injuring muggles in a muggle environment. The accused is sentenced to 18 years imprisonment in Azkaban — " 

“Woah, what?” Lucy shrieked and her hands sunk to her sides to hide her fists. The judge stopped and moaned.

“Miss Snape,” he rasped. “Do you have a lawyer?”

Lucy said nothing at first before muttering. “ but I — ”

“Or a witness?” he pondered loudly so she could hear.

“No but — ”

“If a criminal has no witness or lawyer then he or she is automatically guilty...” he sighed and flicked the papers back in front of his face.

“That isn’t fair...! Sir” Lucy’s voice turned mute as she noticed everyone eyeing her again and she shrunk back in the cold oak, wishing it would comfort her. “I can’t go to prison! I was protecting myself!”

The judge heard Lucy perk up again but did not focus his attention on her, but instead on her papers sealing her fate.

“Miss Snape, we know this is unfortunate timing but I assure you the ministry will help your friends in finding a new leader to help your adventure — ”

“I don’t want help!” Lucy whimpered. “I want be free and I want to go home!”

The judge chuckled softly and smiled at her.

“Mr Gibsby, sign here please,” he spoke to his companion below and made the letter float down with his wand. The man stood up and claimed it with his skeleton fingers before slowly reading the letter.

Lucy felt herself start to shake but kept her face calm as the man signed the letter slowly, as if inflicting pain into Lucy. He twirled his wand lamely and sent it back up to his boss who smiled gratefully.

“This case is closed,” he boomed and went to flick his wand for the baton nearby. Lucy watched as it glowed a white colour before slowly floating over. Instincts told Lucy that it was going to bind her to the parchment. She really was doomed now, but in the adrenalin rush of forcing back tears, her mind wandered to Sirius Black...

Then without warning, a loud clatter of metal could be heard down the dark corridor behind the jury. All of the robed men and woman turned their heads in unison; even the judge was partly distracted. Lucy heard someone swear loudly before she turned in excitement. Whoever was coming had stopped her one-way ticket to Azkaban for a couple of minutes.

Lucy Snape and the Wizarding Army (Book Five)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang