The truth about McGuire's

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Chapter 21: The truth about McGuire's

Lucy awoke the next morning to find herself feeling a lot better and when she got up to go into the bathroom, she had colour back in her face. She assumed that her face had been pretty colourless and she'd looked like a traditional vampire. She brushed her hair and plaited it quickly before getting dressed and walking slowly down the stairs. But as soon as she heard voices she sat on the top step. 

"Do you think she'll get better?" Snape's voice was forced through gritted teeth.

"She has got better, Severus, she's fine..." Jessica sighed. "I best be on my way, now. I've got a call from the resistance, it's urgent and I need to go." 

"Such a pity..." Snape said sarcastically. 

"Just send me an owl if you need some help, that's what I'm here for." 

Jessica walked out into the hallway and she spotted Lucy. Snape also walked out into the hallway and looked at her. Lucy stood there with her arms crossed which were rested on her knees. 

"Goodbye, Lucy, I'll see you after the holidays," Jessica smiled. 

"You too," Lucy said, trying not to sound too upset as she now knew the true Jessica. Lucy actually felt sorry for her. 

"Good luck, both of you," Jessica said and with that, she exited the Snape's house and wandered off, wheeling her belongings in a battered old suitcase with the initials 'F.W.' It was probably so battered because Jessica wanted to keep up her image of Fiona Wave who had been people's secretaries for a long time. 

Lucy miserably sat at the tio of the stairs and looked at Snae ho watched Jessica go with beady eyes, he wanted to make sure she really was leaving and wasn't going to hang around to protect them.

"Now it can just be the two of us," Snape muttered as Jessica hid in an alleyway and apparated (she had finally learnt how to and was very pleased with herself.) 

"I wish I had a mum," Lucy muttered miserably. 

"Am I not good enough for you?" Snape asked and Lucy knew he was joking as soon as she saw his face. 

"Yes, of course you must be terrible having to put up with an emotional teenage girl..." Lucy snorted. 

"Us adults were teenagers once. It's tough." 

"Sometimes it is, especially when you wished you had both parents. I love you so much, dad, I love you more than you know. But, somedays I want mum too."

Lucy stood up and walked downstairs and Snape watched her with curosity. Yet, he didn't say anything until she had placed both dainty feet on the bottom step of the old stairs.

"Cheer up, it's the Christmas holidays,"  Snape said as she walked into the living room. 

"I know." Lucy muttered just as the phone began ringing. Lucy picked it up, pressed the green telephone button. "Hello?" Snape heard Lucy ask to the person on the other end of the phone. He walked into the living room himself and watched her from the doorway. 

"Hey, Lucky," the voice of Shona answered on the other end of the phone. Although, her voice was unrecognisable at first because it wasn't upbeat and happy. 

"What's wrong?"

"Is it OK if I come over?" Shona asked, completely ignoring Lucy's question. 

Lucy looked over at Snape who was shaking his head, he didn't want McGuire over here, not in his house. She would cause havoc and end up trying to turn his robes pink. 

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