Secrets in the Ministry

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Chapter 30: Secrets in the Ministry

"Work experience today," Shona sighed. It had been a week since they'd had a lecture on what jobs they could pursue in the future. Now, however, all work experience forms has been signed by parents (all parents had received a copy of the letter via owl.) And this gave Lucy another chance to speak to Snape after her urgent letters. He had replied to these, in a frustrated manner: 

What do you mean I'm coming back to Hogwarts? Have I got the job back? Don't play games with me, Lucy! I know I've got the sack and you're upset but I can't come back...

That was the first letter she had received back, but minutes later she got another one: 

So you are correct, I will be coming back to Hogwarts. Do not fret any longer, I will be back soon. I believe that I'll be coming back after your O.W.L'S, so I wish you the best of luck. I have signed your work experience form. I hope you enjoy your time with Mr. Fudge at the Ministry. Do behave yourself.

These were not the only letters she received, she also received a letter from the Minister the day before work experience day: 

Dear Miss Lucy Snape 

I have been informed that it has been confirmed by your father that you will be joining me tomorrow for your work experience. I do hope that you will enjoy yourself! Remember to dress smartly for me, I want to show you off to all the people in the Ministry!

- The Minister for magic 

P.S) Bring Merlin's sword. 

This had confused her, obviously but she wouldn't dare argue...

"Yeah," Lucy agreed as they walked side by side in their non-school uniform. Lucy was dressed in the smart outfit Anastasia had made for her and Shona was wearing a red Gryffindor t-shirt, jeans and a pair of muggle football boots. She wanted to do her work experience at the Ministry, yet Umbridge had not approved seeing as she was a Worthing. 

"You looking forward to seeing the Minister?" Shona wondered as she crossed her arms miserably; it was evident she wasn't too happy about teaching first years their first flying lesson with Madam Hooch. 

"I'm neutral," Lucy shrugged. "He asked me to bring Merlin's sword so I'm kind of curious." 

"Really? He did?" Shona's eyes widened in surprise. "Do you think he wants to take it from you like Umbridge tried to?" 

"I doubt it," Lucy muttered sourly. "He's a big fan of our medieval adventure." 

"If he's so enthused, why doesn't he come and do it for us?" 

"Because we'd all be dead and Zuc would just laugh when he asked for order." 

The two girls laughed as they stepped into the main courtyard where a group of students stood huddled around Professor McGonagall, giving her information as to what work experience they were doing. 

"Yes, Mr Longbottom I know — Miss Weasley! Please! One at a time! — Mr Smith, I know there has been a change of plans..." the words flowed out of McGonagall's mouth in a hurry as she tried to control the crowd of students.

"Well, I'm guessing that's where you sign in," Shona sighed and walked over to the swarming crowd of students. Lucy saw the Minister standing by the fountain and he waved at her, she waved back and he beckoned her over. She obeyed his command.

 "Are you ready to go?" He asked. 

"Haven't I got to sign in?" Lucy gestured to where McGonagall was standing and where Shona had just been swallowed by the crowd, so she had lost sight of her friend. 

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