The Wizarding Army

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Chapter 13: The Wizarding Army

Hermione smiled as Lucy exited the classroom and, even though she didn't feel like it, Lucy returned the smile to Hermione. Being the polite person that Hermione was, she didn't question the conversation between Lucy and Professor Babbling but then again, she'd probably heard it through the door. They headed down to the dungeons for potions and on their way they were joined by Harry and Ron. 

"Alright?" Harry asked Lucy, she didn't even realise she had a sullen look on her face until she saw Harry's concerned expression. "Did Ancient Runes go well?" 

"I suppose you could say that," Lucy shrugged. "But I'll try and get out of the subject alive..." 

Ron snorted. "Lets hope you do something like Hermione did when she rushed out of Divination." 

"Ronald, Professor Trelawney doesn't speak a word of sense. So, that is why I stormed out of her class. I will not take a class full of nonsense." Hermione groaned as they advanced down the stairs to the dungeons. 

"Morning all," Shona said as they came into view of the queue outside of the potions classroom, Snape standing in the doorway with his arms folded as well as Umbridge holding a clipboard. Lucy felt like hiding behind Harry but she knew she couldn't stay hidden from the old bat forever. 

"Miss Snape, do you think it's acceptable to walk around like that?" Umbridge asked Lucy. Lucy looked at her skirt, her socks, her shoes. What could be wrong?

"Walk around like what?" Lucy asked, still studying her appearance. 

"You'd have thought you could dress yourself in the morning, at this rate we'll have to get daddy to help you!" Umbridge stepped towards Lucy and waved her wand, she suddenly felt her tie tighten around her neck, as though Umbridge had made it strangle her. She heard the Slytherin's laugh and tried to keep calm. "Well, I should have guessed you wouldn't be able to dress yourself. Five years of being homeless, you must have the manners of a pig." 

"Professor Umbridge," Shona said sweetly stepping in front of Lucy. "Is there something wrong with my appearence?" 

Umbridge turned to Shona and saw that her appearance was much worse: her shirt was un-tucked, she might as well not be wearing a tie because it was almost un-done, her sleeves were rolled up, a button on her shirt was un-done and the shoes she wore what might as well been muggle football boots. 

"This is exactly what I expected from a Worthing..." 

"I didn't disappoint then." 

"Professor, wouldn't it be more prudent to start the lesson now rather than stand out here and waste time on things like uniform?" Snape spoke up, he could feel the anger rising up in him and he couldn't lose his temper. He couldn't lose his job. 

"Yes, that would be better..." 

The students shuffled into the potions classroom and took their usual seats and waited for Snape to finish writing the work on the chalk board at the front of the room while Umbridge furiously took notes on her clip board with her quill. And just when Snape was about to begin talking Umbridge stepped forward.

"You applied first for defense against the dark arts post, is that correct?" Umbridge asked sweetly as she circled him, still taking notes. Snape stared blankly ahead and stood very still. 

"Yes." Snape replied blankly. 

"But you were unsuccessful?" 

"Obviously..." He replied, face still blank and Ron snorted. Umbridge nodded then, holding her clipboard, she left the room. Snape whipped around and smacked Ron on the head. 

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