Medieval Madness

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Chapter 2: Medieval Madness

"Are you sure about this, Lucy?" Snape asked for what felt like the one hundredth time to poor Lucy. 

"Dad," Lucy sighed giving him a hug. "I'm not eleven any more, I'm fifteen." 

"You're still the little girl I met as an orphan, who barely knew who she was." Snape replied softly rubbing her back. "It's a shame teenagers don't want to hang out with their parents any more?"

"Parents?" Lucy blinked away the tears that were forming in her eyes. "P-Plural?" She squeaked and pulled away from Snape, he looked at her apologetically. 

"Forgive me." 

"Don't worry...I won't stay long at Harry's, it's not often I catch up with someone in the summer. Shona only came over for five minuets yesterday, quite literally." 

"I know, I shouldn't be over protective but I do worry about you. Considering only at the end of your fourth year you fought Lord Zuc on your own." He kissed her on the forehead and then he took her hand and apparated to Privet Drive. 

When Lucy arrived she looked around at the well kept area and tried to remember what Harry's house number was whilst looking through the mist. She squinted and tried to figure out where she should go. 

"Dad, do you know where - " Lucy spun around but Snape was no where in sight. "Hope, no one saw me talking to myself," she muttered with a little laugh then decided she really was mental. 

She walked along the street of Privet drive to try and find a house that could possibly resemble Harry's personality, but somehow she thought that his evil Aunt and Uncle wouldn't allow any of his input in the house's decor because he was a wizard and was immediately counted as an outcast. 

"Hey, Lucy." 

A friendly voice said to her through the mist, it was almost like an echo through the mist but when Lucy turned around she saw Harry waving at her and she felt relieved that she wouldn't have to stand in the street looking like a complete idiot. 

"Hello, Harry," she smiled, taking his side as Harry walked to a little house that must be his Aunt and Uncle's. "Glad to find you out here in the mist." 

"I'm glad too, I forgot to tell you in the letter what number I live at. I should have put it down but I'm very lucky that I actually even got to send you a letter considering Hedwig's normally locked up in her cage under Uncle Vernon's rules." 

"At least I can gladly say that even my dad isn't that bad, even if he can be miserable," Lucy giggled and they both slightly as they approached the house, Harry pushed down on the door handle and to Lucy's surprise the door opened without him going through the trouble of getting out keys. 

The interior of the Dursley's house was well kept and was scattered with a few photogrpah's of the family (Vernon, Petunia and Dudley) as well as just photographs of Dudley whom was Vernon and Petunia's pride and joy. 

"Home sweet home," Lucy snorted. 

"You wish," Harry sighed and walked into the living room where the whole Dursley family happened to be sitting comfortably and watching the TV that sat in the corner, it blared music from a television program that must be something regarding Dudley's interest. 

"Ah, boy you're - " Vernon began then un-glued his eyes from the screen and almost fell over at the sight of Lucy. "Who on earth is that?!" He raged standing up and approaching Lucy who didn't react in the slightest, she didn't think that Harry's overweight Uncle was going to scare her since she'd faced one of the biggest threats to the wizarding world who was out to kill her. 

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