Nymphadora Tonks

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Chapter 3: Nymphadora Tonks

While Snape busied himself making him and Lucy a cup of tea each (she had finally convinced him the tooth ache had gone) Lucy whipped out her wand and repaired the cut on her face, just as Snape walked in and she tossed her wand over the back of her chair; she'd get it later. 

"You're a little nervous aren't you?" Snape asked, noticing her heavy breathing and nervous glances around the room, as he handed Lucy her tea. 

"No!" Lucy squealed. "I-I mean, of course not! Just tired that's all, you know? Busy day..." Even to Lucy her voice sounded weak. 

Snape stared at her for a moment then finally spoke up. "You only went to visit Mr Potter, what could have worn you out so much?" 

"I don't know, I'm just tired..." 

Snape didn't say much after that, he just studied his daughter as though trying to figure out what she was hiding while Lucy just decided to pick a whole in the jeans she was wearing, it was much better than telling Snape what she'd done. 

She just happened to look up at the open living room window when she saw an owl swoop through it, Angus darted into the room and began hissing at it. The owl dropped a letter on the floor then flew out the window again. 

"Shh, Angus!" Lucy snapped and the cat stopped immediately, it sat by Lucy's feet loyally and tried to get her attention but all Lucy was interested in was the letter that was now coming to life where the owl had left it. 

"Dear Miss Snape, the ministry has received intelligence that at 6:26 this evening you performed magic in a muggle area, where muggles were passing nearby, as a clear violation of the decree of the responsible restriction of underage sorcery you are hear by expelled from from Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardy." 

The letter closed shut and fell to the ground and returned to like it was when the owl dropped it into the living room. Lucy looked up at Snape who looked like he was about to tear Lucy's throat out, this was something to be more afraid of than Lord Zuc. 

"No hard feelings?" Lucy trembled and removed her hand from her face; unfortunately her cut hadn't healed properly.

Snape stood up slowly and Angus darted out of the way and up to Lucy's room. Snape edged closer to Lucy and she stood up hoping she would make a quick getaway when Snape grabbed her wrist. 

"You're not going anywhere," he snarled, his voice was dangerous and Lucy knew she was in deep trouble. 

"Look, I'm sorry! It wasn't my fault, I - " 

"You are responsible for your own actions, Lucy!" He snapped. 

"You're right I am! And I'm also responsible for keeping myself alive! IF I HADN'T OF USED MAGIC AGAINST THAT KNIGHT I WOULD BE DEAD!" 

"Don't lie! Knights can't get into the wizarding world, you stupid girl!" 

"Then how did I fight one? I don't lie!" 

Snape stopped for a moment before he returned to normal. "I suggest you make your way up to your room now, before you get into more serious trouble than you are in now, understood?" 

"Yes, dad," she huffed then made her way up the room.

She sat on her bed and Angus hopped up next to her. Lucy stroked his fur before turning to him. "That wasn't my fault, was it Angus?" 

And Lucy swore he shook his head in denial. 

*      *      * 

"You have a hearing," Snape said later that night and threw another letter on her bed. 

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