Zuc Education

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Chapter 25: Zuc Education 

"It appears that there is a connection between the dark Lord's mind and your own, whether he is aware of this connection is for the moment un-clear. Pray he remains ignorant." 

Lucy awoke to the sound of Snape's voice coming from downstairs. She sat up slowly then blinked a couple of times to look at the clock on her bedside table, it was one in the morning. She wished her ears were not so sensitive at night, she really could do with some sleep. 

"You mean, if he knows about it he'll be able to read my mind?" This time the voice of Harry filled her ears and Lucy suddenly understood what was going on; Harry was receiving occulmency lessons. 

"Read it, control it, unhinge it." Snape's voice came again, his voice was fierce and seemed unhappy to be wasting his breath on Lucy's half-brother. "In the past, it was often the dark Lord's pleasure to invade the minds of victims, creating visions designed to torture them into madness..." There was a moment of silence and Lucy could almost feel his gaze making it's way above where her room was. "It seems the same occurs with Lord Zuc, Lucy became a little disorientated when Zuc first started making her see visions." 

Snape began to lecture Harry about how occulmency would help him shield visions and protect his mind from seeing what he didn't want to see...Lucy couldn't wait to get her occulmency lessons, she'd finally be able to get rid of the bad visions that Zuc gave her. 

Feeling curious, she got out of bed and exited her room before walking down a couple of steps of stairs and sitting down. Just so she could see what was going on and Snape and Harry couldn't see her...

"Prepare yourself!" Snape ordered to Harry, he pulled out his wand then aimed it at Harry. "Legilimens!"

Harry was suddenly met with a lot of memories and Snape was looking through them as though looking through a book. He seemed very amused by some of them, he even picked up on Cho kissing Harry. 

"I may vomit," Snape sneered and ceased the spell. 

"That's private!" Harry demanded. 

"What is?" Lucy demanded as she ran downstairs. 

"It appears that Potter has a girlfriend," Snape mocked, dismissing the fact that Lucy was out of bed. 

"Who! Oh tell me who it is!" 

"Miss Chang." 

Lucy snorted and then stepped behind Harry and began rummaging through Snape's potion cupboard, in hopes she'd find something to make her go back to sleep. At last she found a potion that would do the trick. 

"What woke you up?" Snape asked. 

"Harry's screaming," Lucy lied. 

"Hey!" Harry snapped. "You try being interrogated!" 

"Love to, but I'm busy. I want to go back to bed, so if you'll excuse me I'll be heading upstairs..." Lucy headed towards the stairs but just before climbed them she turned to Harry. "Oh, if you don't mind, keep the noise down." 

And with that, she went up to bed.

*      *      * 

All of the Dumbledore's/ Wizarding Army members gathered in the room of requirement late the next day. They chatted amongst themselves cheerfully as Lucy and Harry stood nervously in the centre of the room with a blackboard positioned between them. Lucy twiddled a piece of chalk in between her index finger and thumb as everyone placed down their bags in the usual spot. As the noise of chatting grew louder, Lucy sa this as a perfect opportunity to express her fear to Harry. 

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