It's time

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"Jen, wake up, we're here." Justin nudges me. I wake up and look out the plane window to see the runway.

I slowly pull myself off Justin's body that I was using as a pillow and fix my hair before following him. We get our carryon and make our way off the plane and to the baggage area.

"She's meeting us somewhere around here." He tells me as we look around for my mom. I haven't seen her personally in almost 10 years, but I'll know it's her the minute I see her. Someone's purse catches my attention and I look at their face and immediately know that it's her. I grab Justin's hand and walk towards her direction.

She walks towards us meeting us halfway and reaches out to hug me right away. I let go of Justin's hand and stand there with her letting all the hurt go away. Seeing her makes me realize how much I've missed her.

I slowly pull away and see that she's crying too "We should probably leave the airport and go somewhere more private."

She agrees and we all go out to her car. Justin drives and tells us to get in the back where we can catch up on more. I know she has so many questions about the last few years, and even though it might be hard I can't wait to answer them.

"So, when did you two get back together?" The first thing she asks "Justin didn't tell me that part."

"We started talking again a little after the divorce but then a month later dad had us both over to eat." I continue being careful about what I say "Justin didn't like where he lived so dad told him I had extra room and he agreed to it."

"He always did like the two of you together." She smiles "How are him and Sherry?"

"They're good." I answer hoping we'll get off that subject.

She takes the clue and asks about other things. "Why did you guys get married so fast? You haven't been back together very long." She asks both of us "Not that I'm upset about it. Obviously you're both very happy."

"We are." Justin smiles looking back at us for a second "I guess we just knew that if we got back together like this it was obviously meant to be. When we saw each other again for the first time it was like everything was right again."

"He's right." I add on to his answer "We knew we would get married eventually so why not just do it privately when it was best for us."

The rest of the ride back to her house is mostly quiet. She asks a few more questions about us and I can tell she's soon getting to the straight up hard ones. I still know her like the back of my hand, and soon she's going to be hinting at different things. She's already suggested us getting an apartment together out here since Justin sold his.

We get to her house and all sit at the table together eating. Luckily there's a pizza place right down the street since we're all hungry.

"Have you guys gone for a honey moon or anything yet?" She asks us both.

"We went to Cabo for a few days last month. It was really nice." Justin answers her lacing his fingers with mine "We wanted to keep the wedding private so we didn't wanna do anything major."

She looks over at us with a content look on her face "I feel like this is 15 years ago and you never broke up. You guys look the same and still have that young love vibe, it's so cute."

"Thanks mom, it honestly feels that way sometimes." I think back to those days when we were almost inseparable "I kinda wish it would be like that and we never broke up, but I think the time apart really helped us." I lean against Justin and let out a sigh of relief. The first time I'm talking to her in person in 10 years and it's going so much better than I thought. She hasn't gotten too upset about little things and neither have I.

It gets silent for a few minutes and I sit up and look at Justin for approval. There's something we need to tell her, and I think now is a good time. "Mom, there's something we have to tell you." She nods her head and stays silent anticipating what I'm about to say. I take that as the go a head and tell her "I'm pregnant!" I say excitedly.

"I knew it!" She walks over to us smiling and hugs us "Why did Justin say you weren't?"

"Because she wasn't when we got married." He laughs that she brings that back up "She's only a little over a month."

She spends the rest of the day asking us questions about our wedding and the baby. I really underestimated how happy she is for us and how excited she is for the baby. I guess with it all being new to Justin and I it's hard to think someone else would feel the way we do.

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