Single parenting

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Justin is now back filming his show which means I'm alone with a 2 month old and 2 year old. It's not the hardest thing ever, but the help I get when he's here is definitely appreciated. Today I decided to go on an adventure to the store with the two of them to see if I can handle it and get some food. Bentley is in his car seat at the top of the cart, and Kay is bouncing around in the bottom making a mess of all the food.

"Sweetie if you don't sit nice I'm going to put your cookies back." I warn her when I hear her throwing boxes around. The noise quickly stops and all I hear is other people in the store and Ben laughing to himself. He starts to pull on my shirt when I get close enough to him letting me know he's hungry, so I hand him a bottle from the diaper bag and hold that, and push the cart at the same time.

"Momma who that?" Kay points to someone else in the aisle. I can only see the back of the lady, but she does look kinda familiar "Kay, it's not nice to stare and point at people." She must recognize my voice because she turns around quickly and I see right away who she is.

"Jen!" She walks over to me smiling. Jane. My ex-mother-in-law.

"Hi!" I hug her. It's been forever since I've seen her and I miss her "How are you?"

"I'm good," she smiles and looks at Kay and Ben in the cart "They're adorable!" This makes Kay smile and yell "thank you," from the cart.

"Kay can you say 'hi'?" I ask as I pick her up out of the cart so Jane can see her. Kay very quietly says 'hi' to Jane becoming shy.

"How old is she now? I don't think I've seen you since you were pregnant with her." This makes me realize how long its been since I've talked to her. She's one of my favorite people and I let something her son did come between us.

"She's almost 3," I move so she can see Ben better "And he is 2 months old."

She looks at the two of them smiling. This is what she's always wanted Brad and I to have "They look so much like you and Justin, I'm really proud of all that you've done." She looks around like she's trying to decide what to do "Well, I should get going, but we need to get together some time."

"Yeah, I'd like that." We say bye and I put Kay back in the cart so I can finish walking through the store. I try to go as fast as I can so I don't have to buy Kay 100 different kinds candy and cookies.

"Kay, get in your seat awhile," I open her car door and go to the other side to put Ben's seat in the car. I buckle Kay and then put all the groceries in the trunk and drive home. I pull up our driveway and notice that the living room lights are on in the house, and I swear I turned them off. The garage door opens, and to my surprise Justin's car is parked in his spot where it always is when he's home.

"Daddy home?" Kay asks me as I get her out. I hand her the bag with her cookies in and grab a fee others from the trunk along with Ben and walk in the house. Kay runs right up to Justin when she sees him "Hi daddy!" She yells. He picks her up and walks over to where I'm am with Ben "I missed you," he kisses me "And you." He takes Ben from me and bounces the two of them around in his arms so that I can finish with the groceries.

Ben is in his seat and Kay is sitting at the kitchen table drawing pictures for Justin and I. Justin is putting away the groceries and I'm finishing dinner so we can eat and then go swimming. I would have never thought I'd be with happy living my life like this. Justin and I really do have the best life I can think of. 20 minutes from now we'll all be sitting around the table eating whilst Kay shows us her pictures that she drew, and Justin talks about how filming has been.

"I ran into Jane today," I start the dinner conversation "It was actually nice to see her. I missed her."

He looks across at me like he has a hard time believing it, but chooses to forget it in front of Kay, who is waiting very impatiently to show us her drawings.

"This all of us." Kay shows us a picture of Justin, Ben, her and I all sitting on the couch. We're all smiling and laughing at something.

"Aw, I love it baby." I take it from her and hang it in the fridge that is filled with her other drawings. As soon as I sit back down in my seat Ben starts to cry letting us know that he's hungry again.

"I'll get him." Justin stands up before I can. I follow him quickly so I can stop him "We don't have any bottles, I'm done eating anyway." I carry him back to where I was sitting and situate him so that he can eat while I listen to Kayleigh and Justin's conversation.

"Goodnight baby," I kiss Kay's forehead and cover her with her blankets "I love you so much." She pulls her stuffed animal close to her and rolls over falling asleep almost instantly. I go to check on Ben in his room, and for now he's asleep too. Justin is in the shower when I go to get changed into my pajamas, and thinks now is the right time to talk about earlier.

"So, where'd you run into Jane?" He asks opening the shower door "Kay seemed to like her, she was talking to me about it."

I stop what I'm doing and sit on the counter "We were in the store. Same aisle and noticed each other. I missed her though, the last time we saw each other I was pregnant with Kayleigh. It's been too long."

He gets out and wraps a towel around him "I'm happy you got to see her. She seemed like a nice person when I met her." He wraps his arms around my neck pulling me closer to him "I just don't like her son much."

I lean in and kiss him "I don't either. You're much better." He picks me up off the counter kissing me as he carries me back to our bed. I'm much happier now than I ever was with him.

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