Magical memories

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AN: Last time I was in Disney was 8 years ago, so I might have the rides in wrong parks and things like that.

"Are you ready to go?" Justin asks grabbing our bags from the over head compartments. We just flew to Disney world with both our parents and the kids. I get up and grab my purse following him through the airport. Our parents are taking turns carrying the kids since Justin won't let me do it.

"When I see Minnie?" Kay asks for the hundredth time since we told her we were going to Disney this morning. Between Minnie and all of the princesses she has the chance of meeting she's beyond excited.

"You can see her soon." I promise her as we check into our hotel. She is bouncing around next to me. Ben is holding my hand standing still obviously much more calm than her. He doesn't really understand what is going on yet.

"Nana you take me?" Kay turns around to ask Sherry. She thinks grandparents will do anything "Or you?" She gives her puppy dog eyes to Phyllis. They look at each other laughing.

"You, grandma, mommy and me can all go together after we're done here." Sherry leans down to tell her. I thank her and Justin walks back soon after with our room keys. My dad and Eugene follow behind him with their room keys, and we decide to meet back at the lobby after settling into our rooms.

"Are you gonna wear your mickey ears?" Justin asks Ben as he puts them on him.

"Yeah!" Ben yells excitedly and for once doesn't try to rip it off "You wear it?" He asks Justin handing him a hat like his. Justin puts it on and picks him up so we can leave. I follow him with Kay who has hers on as well and says she's never taking them off.

"Look, you can get a stroller there!" Eugene points out a place where you can rent them to Justin and I. I go over to get it and we put Ben in it so I can push him while Justin carries Kay. I underestimated how much we'll be walking around the park, but luckily I'll get to sit while they go on the rides. Ben sees a ride that he thinks is cool, so Justin and our dad's take him on that and we take Kay to do something.

"Do you wanna go get your hair done?" Phyllis asks her and she gets excited. We find a botique that does hair and then you can pick out a princess outfit when you're finished.

"I want pink and purple." Kay tells the lady who asks her. She starts to style Kay's hair so that it's half up and curled and has some wash out pink and purple highlights. Kay loves all of this attention and keeps asking the lady random questions while Sherry, Phyllis and I sit watching. I take pictures of almost everything the stylist does so that I can show them to Justin later when he freaks about our 3 year old having highlights. She finishes her hair and we help her pick out what dress and she wants.

"I want Ariel!" She cries when she doesn't see any. I try to calm her down so everyone isn't watching us, but she won't stop.

"Honey, other girls wanted to be Ariel too, you have to share with them." I hug her and rub her back "The nice lady is looking to see if they have anymore so you might still get to be her." This makes her stop crying right away, and luckily they have and Ariel dress. I make her thank the lady, and she is finally happy again. She sits with Sherry and Phyllis while I get my hair done similar to hers. I don't get mine up, but I get the matching pink and purple highlights.

"It pretty!" Kay walks over when the lady is done with my hair. She sits on my lap and we get a picture of the two of us together. Of course, the mickey ears are on her lap because since she can't wear them she needs them with her. Sherry and Phyllis both get theirs done as well, and we meet the boys so that we can take the kids to meet their favorite characters.

"Look, Kay Ariel is there!" My dad points out the person across from us who is dresser as Ariel. Kay grabs his arm and drags him over so that she can wait in line to meet her. We all follow behind them, and when it is Kay's turn she freaks out. She gets to sit in the sea shell next to Ariel and gets a picture with her. The rest of us all crowd around her as well to get one, then we try to find someone for Ben.

"What about, Pluto, you like him!" I lean down to Ben's stroller where he is not happy. He's cranky because we haven't seen anyone for him yet.

"Let's just go to him." Justin leads us over. There isn't a line, so we get him out and watch as Kay leads him up to Pluto. They stand together next to him and we all take pictures. When they're done Justin and I join them to get a family picture, and then we try to find Mickey and Minnie.

"You should all get in the picture together." Phyllis takes my phone so she can get a picture. Justin holds Kay and I hold Ben and we stand around Mickey and Minnie getting a cute family picture. Justin and I leave so Kay and Ben can get one alone with them, and then we decide to take them home and go on some more rides tomorrow.

"Buddy look, there's Nemo and Toy Story!" I point out rides that I can go on with Ben. Justin and I are with him and my dad today while the others took Kay to a show.

"Nemo!!" He yells picking that ride. He tries to run up to the line, but Justin grabs him before he can and we all walk up to the line. Justin hands him to my dad who plays with him while we wait so he can stay entertained. We point out the other people getting on and off of the ride and he waves to them excitedly thinking they can see.

"Buddy sit still," I put my arm over Ben so he stops moving "I don't want you to fall." He calms down a little and sits still long enough for the ride to start. We're going around looking at all the different fish and other aquatic animals from the movie. We see Nemo and Dory a lot, and he points them out each time. When the ride is over we walk through the gift shop and let him pick out something he likes and get something for Kay.

"Let's go find the others." My dad says after a few more rides. We've gone on all that Ben wanted to, and now we're starting to get hungry.

"Babe, they have cupcakes!" I point out the Disney themed cupcakes to Justin who doesn't look to phased by them. I really want one. He just ignores it thinking I'm joking.

"Get your wife a cupcake!" Phyllis hits him playfully "Obviously it's the baby that wants one." She convinces him and he gets me the one that I want.

"Thank you." I smile taking it from him. He leans down to kiss me "You're welcome. Just eat it before they see." I look and notice that Kay and Ben are watching us. I eat all the icing since that's what I wanted and hand Justin the cake part and take their food over to them. Our parents help the kids with their food while Justin and I wait for the rest to be ready.

"Come on, mommy!" Kay drags me over to a ride. I follow her over to wait in line. We get on the ride and it slowly goes around in circles so we wave at the family members as we go by them. They smiles and wave back at us. Kay is having a great time, and so is Ben, and for us that's all that matters. We wanted to make sure they both know that even with the new baby we love them.

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